View Full Version : Drawing board on vbulletin

09-06-2006, 12:36 AM

I run an architecture forum, and my users came today with an idea to implant on our board...a drawing board.

They want something in flash or ajax that people are able to draw quick sketches with it, just like MSN has.

This way they could draw something and add it in his messages or topics.

My main problem is how this could work on a forum, and if is flash or ajax, how to include it on user message.

Something similar to Tufat FlashCard (http://tufat.com/s_flash_greeting_card_creator.htm) it will be great.

Any suggestion to see how this will work?

I'm willing to pay for this feature as standalone and working with vbulletin. A live example: http://artpad.art.com/artpad/painter/