View Full Version : the Wheel of Fortune forum hack.

09-05-2006, 01:09 PM
Hello all!
I have a very good idea, if you want create that i will be very happy.
The mod give to the admin place in the admin area (control panel), and he can add question with answers in the format question*answer, example:

What the cow drink?*water
Who much is 1 plus 1?*2
What the forums version the we use?*vBulletin

If the admin select the option "Start" in the control panel and select some forum in the board, the bot will ask the questions in the forum, in this format:
What the cow drink?
Pattern: -----
The users need to say water.
If they say water, the bot edit the first post, give to the nick 5 points, and edit the question post to "respond question".
If they say only one letter in they post (w, a, t, e or r), it's give to the nick 1 points, and edit the pattern to the pattern with the letter. (Exemple: if the word is water, and the user said w, the bot will edit the pattern to: w----).
I hope that you like the idea, it's nice game and it's will be great game.