View Full Version : How to integrate vBulletin into my site design?

09-05-2006, 03:56 AM
Ok, just purchased a new license.

Here's my concern ... My site is currently structured by means of 4 include files (top, left, right and bottom.php) leaving the body as the dynamic part.

How do I edit the templates so that I can fit the site into it?

Site: http://www.fxaddict.com

P.S If integrating the left and right includes are too tough, I'll be okay to just include the top and bottom.

09-05-2006, 12:57 PM
You can write a small plugin letting you include the header and footer files.

I've done this for a small topbar on www.clanforums.com
See directly under the top is a small bar which is coming from an external .php file and included into the forum.
Should work also for your header and with a little testing maybe also for the other things.

09-05-2006, 03:16 PM
hi jluerken,

Can you possibly type out your code for your plugin here?


P.S I've since manually edited the html and added my main site's header. However, the board looks wrong (i meant the color scheme). Can anyone suggest some changes to my "main css" pls?

09-05-2006, 03:37 PM
The color sheme cannot be simply included.
Write down which colors you are using, create a new forum style and modify it until it meets your page design.

Then include navbars, header and footer and thats it.

And btw. how easy it sounds, this can be work for days and no one will offer you a CLICK HERE AND THERE solution.
Its very important that you understand how your board works and customizing it is a good way to see this.

If you need help then please ask but don't request a complete instructions file from someone how to setup everything for you :D

09-06-2006, 05:04 AM
Hi jluerken, I wasn't expecting a complete instructions file. I'm pretty much a DIY person. Having said that, I've already tweaked some colors on my board.

However, i just feel something is not quite right with the colors. and so I'm seeking opinions/suggestions on color changes. Hope that's clearer for everyone.