View Full Version : Hey guys I need some advice

08-31-2006, 01:02 AM
Okay Im about to purchase a vbulletin licence.

Now I want to have a bodybuilding site, which will just be a basic forum. Now do you guys think this is good for what I want to do or should I do more. I was looking at putting a portal , but I don't really like that, I would just like for my members to go to my site and all they see is the forum.

Its for discussing bodybuilding and nutrition, etcc...

What do you guys think and please if you have better ideas share them, thanks in advance.:)

08-31-2006, 03:53 AM
Most people start with just the forum and add additional features as the forums grow.

You may consider not going with a portal now, but down the road you may decide its the way to go. Either way its all personal preference

08-31-2006, 02:02 PM
One thought though. You may not want a portal now, but I would still create the forum in a sub-directory. You can always use htaccess to redirect users immediately to the forum. This gives you the option of adding a portal later without having to move the forum and losing some of your search engine rankings.