View Full Version : Hall of Fame

08-30-2006, 06:10 AM
Hi all,

For my forum, which is dedicated to 3D and 2D (http://forums.polyloop.net), I'm looking for a simple "Hall of fame" script.
I want to highlight some threads, which includes very good works in progress or finished works, and I want to put them in a hall of fame, like that, good thread won't go deep in history :)
I also have a vbaGallery and looking for the same thing: picking some members images and add them in the hall of fame.

In details, I see that mod like that:

-The front page of the mod is displayed like a gallery, with a set of row and columns with the thumbnail of the thread/image in gallery and the autor title.
Clicking on it forward the user to the good thread or the autor image in the gallery.
-The front page of the mod can be sorted by date of entry, autor, autor with the high number of entry.

For the admin/moderators:
-Entering the thread url/post url/gallery image display url
-submiting an image to illustrate the post. Most of my thread in the forum have thumbnail, then, giving the thumbnail url to the entry, or submitting a new thumbnail in attachement to the entry (Some WIP have images, but hosted on other servers)
-It can be in the moderation popup within a thread, with an entry like "add to the Hall of fame"

"Mod Coding"
-Usergroup permission to decide which usergroup can add to the hall of fame an entry
-Entry setup can be in the adminCP and ModCP
-As possible, as a plugin/separated files
-Link located in the navbar (on/off option, because I have a custum menu in my templates where I'll put the Hall of fame link)

By extension, this system can be use to highlight any url, not in the forum I think.

Perhaps this kind of script exist as an external engine in php/SQL, but I didn't find anything with the help of Google.

I don't know at all if it's hard to be coded or not since I'm not a coder at all :)

Any question, comments, feedback are welcome :)

Thanks a lot!