08-28-2006, 10:00 PM
vB Option Picker
Version: 1.0.0
Author: RS_Jelle
Description: vB Option Picker creates an opt-in/opt-out links for receiving administrator emails. You can use this for example for a newsletter opt-out link in the footer of your newsletters or a newsletter opt-in button on your homepage. You don't have to point your users any more to the options in their user cp, just give them a direct link :cool:
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Upload the file in the upload folder to your forums directory.
Import the product using the product manager (enable "Allow Overwrite").
AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product
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How to use?
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Admin email opt-in link:
Admin email opt-out link:
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Future Plans
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More direct links to other options!
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1.0.0: Initial release
If you use this add-on, please click install ( to say thanks and to receive updates.
Version: 1.0.0
Author: RS_Jelle
Description: vB Option Picker creates an opt-in/opt-out links for receiving administrator emails. You can use this for example for a newsletter opt-out link in the footer of your newsletters or a newsletter opt-in button on your homepage. You don't have to point your users any more to the options in their user cp, just give them a direct link :cool:
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Upload the file in the upload folder to your forums directory.
Import the product using the product manager (enable "Allow Overwrite").
AdminCP -> Plugins & Products -> Manage Products -> Add/Import Product
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How to use?
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Admin email opt-in link:
Admin email opt-out link:
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Future Plans
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More direct links to other options!
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1.0.0: Initial release
If you use this add-on, please click install ( to say thanks and to receive updates.