View Full Version : Simple Java script For avoiding DDos/http flooders Need Some Change in it

org knopper
08-25-2006, 09:16 AM
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
alert("Welcome to my Web site!...Komt toch nog een keer!")

Edit you Template Place this code in hader ... it's protact 99% from DDOS and flooders but need some change

I wrote this quite along time ago, since I was still a student for mah forum.
And every people whom come to your site will come up a popup as show below and the viewer must click on Ok to Enter the site. >> But it come every time you refersh the page .. need some some change like come only one time after pressing ok did't come ... like this

11-03-2007, 05:20 PM
is it working? can it prevent ddos attack?

11-03-2007, 07:43 PM

Coders Shack
11-04-2007, 12:49 AM
lol wtf.... Javascript cant prevent DDOS....

I coded a flooder that can bring a dedicated host running VB to 200% usage. Which scares me, currently im working on prevention.

Most flooders dont even look at the page usually they just send Requests a header to the server, then the server responds.

11-04-2007, 02:45 AM
lol wtf.... Javascript cant prevent DDOS....

I coded a flooder that can bring a dedicated host running VB to 200% usage. Which scares me, currently im working on prevention.

Most flooders dont even look at the page usually they just send Requests a header to the server, then the server responds.

You can't really prevent a DDOS attack at the application level. At the very least you'd have to do it at a router level, and drop packets from the hosts that are flooding you. And that will only work if you have enough bandwidth up to the router.