View Full Version : Avator suggestion

06-19-2000, 10:26 PM
Why not have it like my version on ubb?:)


That way you get to see all the images

06-20-2000, 09:16 AM
Hi Muppet

Originally, v0.8 of the hack had a version of Mas*Mind's Javascript display routine from UBB running image previews, but I removed it after encountering problems with WebTV, Mac Browsers, and it breaking Netscape displaying the register and profile forms incorrectly somehow :P

The problem with doing it with the radio buttons as you have it on your site would be that some sites could get just a little crowded with the images. One thing for v1.0 will be a _blank window to display available images in, and keeping the3 dynamic drop-down menu.


06-20-2000, 11:37 PM
I never thought of that, thanks:)

06-20-2000, 11:54 PM
Krucifix has posted a different version of the dynamic JavaScript display code, and I'm going to give it a try. If it solves the Netscape problems, then I'll probably add it to v1.0, with a text link below the selector box saying "If your browser doesn't support Javascript, click here" or something to bring up the _blank
