View Full Version : skin psd file

08-14-2006, 07:44 AM
hello guys.. I want to design my own skin but I am not sure how to do the layout. i was wondering if someone could give me a psd file for any skin so i could basically get an idea on how toput the layout...

thanks in advance

08-14-2006, 09:55 AM
The best idea is to download a couple and/or browse other vBulletin sites to get a feel for the styles and see what you like.

I'm not sure how many people actually code a style from a PSD, unless someone else has made the PSD and they are taking it from there.

The advantage of downloading a style or two that you like is that if you are having problems getting a section how you like it, and it has been done the same somewhere else, you can refer to it. This is extremely useful when you are first starting out.

The most imnportant thing though is to just go for it and see what happens. If it works out first time - fantastic, but more likely than not it will have chunks reverted, images redone a few times (or even a few hundred in some cases) and either turn out ehat you expected or something completely different.

I can't speak for anyone else who codes styles, but I've never worked from a PSD or anything outside my minds eye yet for a new design. The only times when I have worked from something have been when I have been doing style ports betweem versions to ensure that the feel and look of the style remains the same.

08-14-2006, 03:27 PM
thanks for the info... you see, I am not so good with coding a style ( I should say no good at all)..I have seen couple styles that had the psd first and them coded from those images, besides, I am want to add something to the skin like a different header and some extra images to it which it would be hard for me to do it just by code or perhaps explain to the person that will help me out with the code, so I thought I should just get a psd file ad design away till the needed result and then worry about the code...:)

08-14-2006, 06:22 PM
The best way to start designing skins it to just make a screenshot of a forum and design over that. Simply start adding more and more.

After a few times you will get the hang of this :)