View Full Version : Add-On Releases - afterfl0w's Advanced Banlist
08-11-2006, 10:00 PM
afterfl0w's Advanced Banlist! - Version 2.51 :cool:
updated 13/08/06:rolleyes:
Hey all, it's time for another release. This one has been completely re-written and made a lot easier to install! Also, it's vB3.6 and 3.5 compatible!
Onto the buzz:
Simple, yet advanced display of banned users
Easy-to-set up! 15 minutes or less install time!
Import ALL your old bans into this permanent record of banned users!
Automatic post edit of offending post, to show warning that the user was banned!
Ban types, length, liftdate, bandate all shown on the list
Complete support from me, including custom modifications to the banlist
ADDED IN VERSION 2.51 - admin_banlist.php section for AdminCP! From there, you can clear the banlist, import bans, and selectively remove bans from the list!
ADDED IN VERSION 2.51 - Template edit for postbit that adds easy link!
[b]FIXED IN VERSION 2.51 - Fixed Issues with Importing!
FIXED IN VERSION 2.51 - [Ban User] link no longer sends the linked page to main
FIXED IN VERSION 2.51 - Fixed compatibility errors with the product and showbans.php for older/newer versions of PHP
Quick install, added what everyone wanted, and made it easy to install! What more could you want!
Upload the product-aft_banlist.xml to your vB products, and then open the included README_FIRST!!.html file, and cycle through the instructions.
Afterwards, upload the showbans.php to your vB root and you're ready to go!
Importing Old Bans
This was HIGHLY requested in the last version, and I'm a fool for not including it.
Upload the import_bans.php file to your admincp folder, and then navigate to, for example,
Follow the instructions, which are as easy as pushing a button ;) , and delete the file afterwards!
If you are upgrading, remove the old banlist table and replace all files!
Any problems or issues with this modification can be either posted in this thread, sent to me in a PM or e-mailed to me at (
You can also add me to MSN and I'll be able to offer support most of the time.
Install and MOTM Votes
I'm not going to force you to hit the install button, or push it on you, but it'd be greatly appreciated if you do! Also, if you REALLY like this hack, please vote it for MOTM(MOD OF THE MONTH) :D
08-12-2006, 09:55 PM
I'm getting this:
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.0 Release Candidate 3:
Invalid SQL:
CREATE TABLE banlist (
banid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
userid smallint(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
usergroupid smallint(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
username varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
dateline int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
bannedpost varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
reason varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
sentbywhom varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
howlong int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
INDEX (banid, userid)
MySQL Error : Invalid default value for 'userid'
Error Number : 1067
Date : Saturday, August 12th 2006 @ 03:49:32 PM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : Jesus
Classname : vb_database
08-12-2006, 10:17 PM
Hmm, I only tested on the full release of vB3.6.
Maybe someone else knows the reason for that? There's nothing wrong with the SQL.
08-12-2006, 10:26 PM
Hmm, I only tested on the full release of vB3.6.
Maybe someone else knows the reason for that? There's nothing wrong with the SQL.
Upgrading to Gold now.
Still no luck.
08-12-2006, 10:59 PM
Anyone else having this problem?
EDIT: Jesus, I'm still seeing Powered by vBulletin Version 3.6.0 Release Candidate 3 at the bottom of your forums.
You sure you upgraded? :p
08-12-2006, 11:53 PM
Update coming soon, since the Import feature appears not to work on an empty database.
08-13-2006, 12:10 AM
Hey when i try to import bans i get alot of these errors and then no bans imported.
Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /admincp/import_bans.php on line 127
08-13-2006, 12:17 AM
Read post above yours. It's being worked on.
08-13-2006, 12:49 AM
I just installed this. I uploaded the files, made the changes to the bannings.php file, and imported the plugin.
I'm not sure though, if there are some instructions missing. I can see the options section, but I cannot see the ban/unban user section in the postbit.
Also, when I try to import the bans, I get an error message saying that I should be an admin to do it, and that I don't have permissions.
Running 3.6 gold.
08-13-2006, 12:50 AM
Sorry, only saw the post now. Thanks :D
08-13-2006, 01:02 AM
Sorry didnt refresh before i posted
08-13-2006, 01:25 AM
lol real cool thx
08-13-2006, 01:37 AM
Anyone else having this problem?
EDIT: Jesus, I'm still seeing Powered by vBulletin Version 3.6.0 Release Candidate 3 at the bottom of your forums.
You sure you upgraded? :p
Yes - I'm not using the phrase, I just put plain text there.
(Which i'll update now)
08-13-2006, 02:12 AM
Kinda off topic, Is there a way to add a field in the postbit to show how many bans an admin has.
Maybe have an option to turn it on and off.
08-13-2006, 04:22 AM
I just installed this. I uploaded the files, made the changes to the bannings.php file, and imported the plugin.
I'm not sure though, if there are some instructions missing. I can see the options section, but I cannot see the ban/unban user section in the postbit.
Also, when I try to import the bans, I get an error message saying that I should be an admin to do it, and that I don't have permissions.
Running 3.6 gold.
Uh oh, forgot that template edit.
08-13-2006, 07:20 AM
Installed and tested, did a 10 min ban and it worked. I tried to run the import and got this:
Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /admincp/import_bans.php on line 127
Also have nothing in postbit, great hack!
08-13-2006, 11:04 PM
This is being updated, new version should be out within the next hour!
08-14-2006, 12:45 AM
New version released! Check first post for new additions and updated zip download!
08-14-2006, 09:12 PM
nice hack.
08-15-2006, 11:28 PM
Ive been waiting for something like this. Awesome mod. *Installed and voted*
08-15-2006, 11:32 PM
Hi, is there any way to allow another usergroup besides Admin to see the banlist page?
I created a Core Admin Group on my forums, and they cannot see the page.
08-15-2006, 11:42 PM
No matter, I found the way to do it. For those of you who wants to do the same, open the admincp/admin_banlist.php and find the following line of code on line 101:
if(!is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, 6)){
Replace this with:
if(!is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, 6) and !is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, 29)){
And just change the 26 into the usergroup that you want to give permission to. Obviously, you can add as many groups as possible, by just adding the code into that line, as I've done above.
08-16-2006, 02:28 AM
Any chance this could be made to work on other restricted user group statuses?
Now that we have the infraction system, I REALLY need a way to see my other restricted user groups as well.
08-17-2006, 03:10 PM
What do you mean?
08-17-2006, 04:41 PM
For example, we have two user groups that place posts on moderation. One allows for PMs, the other doesn't. We need to keep track of those just as much or more so than banned members.
It would be very, very nice if this reporting tied in with the new infraction system. Currently, nothing reports or lists infracted members and their user group status.
We're still forced to keep track manually in our mod forum of a summary of who is in the different groups.
08-17-2006, 05:10 PM
Excuse me - but what does this Hack do ? I think it is absolutely useless with the new Warning System in 3.6. There is allready a Timebased Banmodus at the Warning Features.
08-22-2006, 11:35 PM
Did the import bans script get pulled out of the zip? Cause its not in mine :(
08-25-2006, 03:26 PM
Hi dudes... looks and works well... but i wondered... i don't like seeing [ Ban User ] next to mods or admins there a way i can disable that for certain user groups?...please advise, cheers
08-27-2006, 05:15 AM
Excuse me - but what does this Hack do ? I think it is absolutely useless with the new Warning System in 3.6. There is allready a Timebased Banmodus at the Warning Features.
This is a permanent list of all banned users. No idea what you're comparing it to.
Did the import bans script get pulled out of the zip? Cause its not in mine
It is now in the admin_banlist.php file. Upload it and surf to it and click on Import Bans :)
08-27-2006, 08:08 AM
I have banned 2 members after in stalling the hack and they don't show in the banlist
edit: I figured it out.
Is there any chance this hack could be coded so the last banned member shows up on the forum home page, please?
Also, when you edit the postbit template for the ban link, is it possible to somehow have the ban link appear in the profile drop downlink.
Great hack :)
08-27-2006, 05:59 PM
I like this mod... but i believe showing a [ ban user ] link for everyone shouldnt be the case... i think a drop down from a users profile upon clicking thier username would be much better and would tidy the postbits up a bit
08-29-2006, 03:55 PM
great mod/idea. I added it to the dropdown by editting the postbit and postbit legacy templates after the <if condition="$post['userid'] AND $show['member']">
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=addlist&userlist=buddy&u=$post[userid]"><phrase 1="$post[username]">$vbphrase[add_x_to_buddy_list]</phrase></a></td></tr>
</if> I added: <!-- afterflows banlist -->
<if condition="$bbusergroup[usergroupid]==6 OR can_moderate($forum[forumid], '', $bbuserinfo[userid])">
<if condition="$post[usergroupid]!=8">
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="'modcp/banning.php?do=banuser&userid=$post[userid]&bannedpost=showthread.php?p=$post[postid]&postid=$post[postid]','ban','width=500,height=375,scrollbars=yes')">Ban User</a></td></tr>
<if condition="$post[usergroupid]==8">
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="'modcp/banning.php?do=liftban&userid=$post[userid]','liftban','width=500,height=375,scrollbars=yes')">Unban User</a></td></tr>
<!-- /end afterflows banlist -->I'm guessing usergroup id 20 is a custom banned usergroup for afterflow?
I love how you can select which bans to have shown on the page but this bug occurred for me:
I was trying to remove a ban from the ban list in the admincp. I ticked the box for the most recent ban and then clicked delete bans. It then removed the oldest ban instead of the ban I was trying to remove.. each time I repeated it would do the same thing.
also, possible bug, but maybe its supposed to behave like this. I banned a user to test the banlist, it showed up find and the post was edited fine, however when I unbanned the user by clicking unban then the user still showed up on the banlist and the bantime was empty, just had ().
make it so you can administer the bans from the showbans.php itself if you're in the appropriate usergroups.
make the admin pages match the admincp style.
add a section where you can edit the bans reason + link.
I like how you let us decide whether to edit the post or not, maybe as well you can let us choose the text/format which is added to the post.
08-29-2006, 04:09 PM
EasyTarget: Awesome stuff! Thanks :)
Is there any chance this hack could be coded so the last banned member shows up on the forum home page, please?
08-29-2006, 06:30 PM
Nice one ET!
08-30-2006, 09:10 PM
I found there were a few bugs in that code still and I think this will fix it[html]
<!-- afterflows banlist -->
<if condition="$bbusergroup[usergroupid]==6 OR can_moderate($forum[forumid], '', $bbuserinfo[userid])">
<if condition="$post[usergroupid]!=8">
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="'modcp/banning.php?do=banuser&userid=$post[userid]&bannedpost=showthread.php?p=$post[postid]&postid=$post[postid]','ban','width=500,height=375,scrollbars=yes')">Ban User</a></td></tr>
<if condition="$post[usergroupid]==8">
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="'modcp/banning.php?do=liftban&userid=$post[userid]','liftban','width=500,height=375,scrollbars=yes')">Unban User</a></td></tr>
<!-- /end afterflows banlist -->Now when you ban a user and you click on their name in the postbit you'll see the unban option but not the ban one anymore.
08-30-2006, 09:26 PM
So I am presuming we just remove the previous code you wrote and add this new code instead?
08-30-2006, 10:48 PM
yeah, I edited my previous post as well.
08-30-2006, 11:10 PM
Awesome, thanks :)
08-31-2006, 11:22 PM
haha sorry guys, that code I posted still let everyone see the ban user option (of course they couldn't really ban a user, but they could still see the option). Got some help and this is verified to work.
This is the new code.. you only see ban/unban if you're an admin and you only see ban when a user isn't banned yet and only unban if they're already banned.
<!-- afterflows banlist -->
<if condition="$bbusergroup[usergroupid]==6 OR can_moderate($forum[forumid], '', $bbuserinfo[userid])">
<if condition="$post[usergroupid]!=8">
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="'modcp/banning.php?do=banuser&userid=$post[userid]&bannedpost=showthread.php?p=$post[postid]&postid=$post[postid]','ban','width=500,height=375,scrollbars=yes')">Ban User</a></td></tr>
<if condition="$post[usergroupid]==8">
<tr><td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="'modcp/banning.php?do=liftban&userid=$post[userid]','liftban','width=500,height=375,scrollbars=yes')">Unban User</a></td></tr>
<!-- /end afterflows banlist -->
09-01-2006, 08:38 AM
Haha thanks! :)
09-06-2006, 05:11 AM
It doesnt seem anything is working for me. I used the updated, conditioned postbit entry, but no ban panel opens up when clicking [ban user]
Also, it doesnt seem the ban cp is working properly, I dont see anything different from the default one. I did all the file edits.
09-06-2006, 05:55 AM
Another bug, when I cliked on Ban User in the postbit dropdown link, the user didn't go into the banlist. I had to import it manually, but the above seems to be working for me...
09-06-2006, 01:06 PM
cant get this to work, and it doesnt seem any support is provided
09-13-2006, 02:11 AM
two thumbs down from me to... install is full of problems.
09-17-2006, 05:13 PM
Thanks. I'll check this out soon!
09-24-2006, 03:48 AM
Sorry. I'm a bit of a newb at vBulletin. Where's the postbit? I can't find it.
09-30-2006, 03:04 PM
hmm this seems to have stopped working for me in 3.6.1
Hm it seems the ban list doesn't take off the expired bans.
09-30-2006, 09:27 PM
10-16-2006, 11:29 PM
/me clicks install
How do you remove the user from the banlist once the bnan has been removed?
The ban list seemed to have broke on the 3.6.2 update.
10-20-2006, 02:58 AM
Just installed it, love it already!
Thank you
10-22-2006, 02:07 AM
Just installed it, love it already!
Thank you
Having the same issue as others, cannot remove members from the list?
10-26-2006, 08:43 PM
How are you guys removing the bans? Automatic or changing the usergroup?
12-23-2006, 06:53 AM
i had to clear out the table then reimport
on to my issue, i have 2 users that are not in my banned list showing up in this list how do i fix this? are they banned in my SQL if so how can i remove them if you have time to tell me ty
12-26-2006, 05:17 AM
The extra bit about allowing a link to ban someone in the postbit isn't really working for me. It shows 2 white areas above the drop down and a ban user link that has to be highlighted to be seen.
01-18-2007, 05:16 AM
Good MOD.
But its showing the [BAN USER] button for everyone :(. it show the BAN USER button even for ADMINS :(
01-19-2007, 11:41 AM
lol u r a lucky ban user :P nice mod ;)
01-25-2007, 03:03 PM
Good MOD.
But its showing the [BAN USER] button for everyone :(. it show the BAN USER button even for ADMINS :(
Could it be editable by usergroup?
02-04-2007, 03:03 PM
With this hack you can show for which post a member was banned, but what about members which where banned for PM's?
Mr. Christopher
04-25-2007, 12:39 PM
Does anybody know why the space between the parenthesis is blank?
Your guess would be as good as mine so I'll take any advice I can get. :)
08-23-2007, 03:35 PM
Apparently doesn't work past 3.6.0 at all.
How does an update sound?
10-25-2007, 09:48 PM
Thanks but is there a way to add a user IP column please?
10-29-2007, 07:19 PM
needs update for 3.6.x
11-05-2007, 09:26 PM
It was working up until the 3.6.8 pl 1 patch.
11-06-2007, 03:34 AM
Will this mod work with version 3.6.8?
11-09-2007, 01:00 PM
Will this mod work with version 3.6.8?
It did for me up until the first level patch. I'll try to figure out why it's not working.
11-19-2007, 12:55 AM
Sorry, this won't be updated, nor supported anymore. I'll be releasing a newer version of the hack shortly for you soon.
11-23-2007, 03:40 PM
Sorry, this won't be updated, nor supported anymore. I'll be releasing a newer version of the hack shortly for you soon.
Then you might want to change the Mod Settings for this mod to note the above...
Otherwise, you're still going to have people installing this mod and looking for answers.
11-27-2007, 06:37 PM
Is there a timeframe available? Are you planning a rewrite or just an update for the new code?
*waits in anticipation*
11-29-2007, 11:24 AM
Blind Guardian
12-05-2007, 08:56 PM
Then you might want to change the Mod Settings for this mod to note the above...
Otherwise, you're still going to have people installing this mod and looking for answers.
Bingo, I was just about to field a problem I was having and now upon hitting page 5 this damn thing isn't supported anymore. :mad:
In case anyone else can help, upon trying to import my old bans, it doesn't correctly import the usergroup or userid. Rather it sets the userid to 32767 for every user and I'm unsure what the usergroup it's pulling is, I just know it's not one of my banned groups.
EDIT: Actually, it's putting the userid as 32767 on newly banned users too.
EDIT2: Yeah, uninstalling this until there's news of a new supported release.
12-06-2007, 10:44 AM
ooh nice mod
01-20-2008, 04:29 PM
I've tried removing people from the banlist and it says removed but it doesn't actually do it. I had to go into phpmyadmin to remove them.
07-30-2008, 05:51 AM
Heyy People If yOu want I can write a better meet our banlist :D modification from scratch I am crazy ;)
07-30-2008, 09:26 AM
That would be welcome, but please be so kind to fix the security token error in your Invitation System first.
07-31-2008, 01:38 AM
We have been looking for something like this for our forum -- so thank you very much for this hack! I will download and install it tonight when I get home. :)
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