View Full Version : Manage Comments/Questions for your WebSite with this Script.

03-26-2001, 08:22 PM
Hi everyone,
First I apologize for my "frenchie" english :).

Vbulletin is a great forum software.... but many of us are webmaster from website with articles, tutorials, contribution and more :).

We are all using PHP/MySQL to have "automated" website.

As far as i am concern, my website deals with Flash. And i needed to have comments/questions forums for all of my tutorials and contributions.

My website is "automatic" and a user can add a script/tutorial so i was obliged to found a way to automatically create this comments forum. ( and with VBulletin on my website i did not want to create a comments table .... )

So here is a script with some usefull function to do that.

It creates a thread and insert a message in it. ( you should create a forum not visible from the users and use it's forum id ).

You can easilly understand how it works i think. :).
Do not h?sitate for questions... i'll help you.

( Just wanna thanx TubeDog for his helps ).

I'll improve the script adding those features :

- Functions to retreive number of comments/questions for an article.

- E Mail sending to the articles author for each new responses.

- and more ... jsut ask away :).

here it is :
PLEASE TAKE CARE OF CHANGING i conid by iconid ( the same for ipad dress by ipaddress etc.. ( see the post from tubedogg bellow ) due to a "bug" i cannot fix it manullay in my post sorry.

function InsertThread($THREADTITLE)
global $mysql_link_forum,$mysql_link_corpo,$db_forum,$db_ corpo;
mysql_db_query($db_forum,"INSERT INTO thread(threadid,title,lastpost,forumid,open,replyc ount,postusername,postuserid,lastposter,dateline,i conid,visible,attach) VALUES (NULL,'".addslashes("$THREADTITLE")."','".time()."','38','1','0','martin','2','martin','".time()."','1','1','0')",$mysql_link_forum) or die ("REQUETE PB1.");
// give the thread id
$threadidresult = mysql_db_query($db_forum, "SELECT threadid FROM thread WHERE title='".addslashes("$THREADTITLE")."'" , $mysql_link_forum) or die ("REQUETE PB.");
$threadid = mysql_result($threadidresult,0,0) or die ("REQUETE PB.");
return $threadid;
function InsertPost($THREADID,$MESSAGE)
global $mysql_link_forum,$mysql_link_corpo,$db_forum,$db_ corpo;
mysql_db_query($db_forum,"INSERT INTO post (postid,threadid,title,username,userid,dateline,at tachmentid,pagetext,allowsmilie,showsignature,ipad dress,iconid,visible) VALUES (NULL,'$THREADID','','martin','2','".time()."','','".addslashes("$MESSAGE")."','1','1','','1','1')",$mysql_link_forum) or die ("REQUETE PB2.");
function UpdateTutTable($THREADID,$TUTID)
global $mysql_link_forum,$mysql_link_corpo,$db_forum,$db_ corpo;

mysql_db_query($db_corpo,"update TUTORIALTABLE set threadid='$THREADID' where artid='$TUTID'",$mysql_link_corpo) or die ("REQUETE PB3.");
function AddTutForum($TUTID)
global $mysql_link_forum,$mysql_link_corpo,$db_forum,$db_ corpo;
$result_tut = mysql_db_query($db_corpo,"SELECT title,description FROM TUTORIALTABLE WHERE artid='$TUTID'",$mysql_link_corpo) or die ("REQUETE PB4.");
list($THREADTITLE,$MESSAGE) = mysql_fetch_row($result_tut);
$MESSAGE.="<br>Use this thread to post all your comments / questions on this article.";
echo "DONE";
// jsut to see if everythin as well worked. :)
$db_forum = '';
$db_corpo = '';
$mysql_link_forum = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser_forum,$dbpass_forum) or DIE ("Impossible de trouver la serveur de donn?e1");
$mysql_link_corpo = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser_corpo,$dbpass_corpo) or DIE ("Impossible de trouver la serveur de donn?e2");

it's really a little contribution but it's my first one... and i know vbulletin since only 1 week ... :)

03-26-2001, 09:40 PM
This is my fault, cause I gave you the code (but I think it's really vB's fault, because I double-checked the code!!), but in the insert thread function, you need to change
dateline,i conid,visible
and in the insert post function, change
showsignature,ipad dress,iconid

Looks good! :)

03-26-2001, 09:46 PM
Yes it's already done in the script I gave.. I had some mysql error ... :) but it was so strange to have i conid... so a little "phpmyadmin trip" and it was corrected.

Tommorrow i'll add some functions :).

But do you know how i can have an e mail automaticcaly send to the author of the article when a message is posted in the thread ?

03-26-2001, 09:49 PM
Wow ... i think in fact it s when we cut/paste the script he automatically add a space between i and conid ... but i don t know why ... :).

I'll try to fix it manually by editing my post :).

06-03-2001, 05:17 PM
Any updates on this project? Looks very very good

06-10-2001, 02:27 PM