View Full Version : Quick Question Regarding vBulletin

08-11-2006, 04:55 PM
I am planning to buy a vBulletin license soon for my clan's forums (we are upgrading from Invisionfree). Myself, I learned how to skin the forum, do all the coding, and what not. I was wondering about the interface in vBulletin. Is it similar to Invisionfree? If not, I was wondering if I could get a link to a skinning site before I bought this so I can read up on it and get it done the same day that I buy it.

08-11-2006, 07:58 PM

No invisionfree is only a hosting service where you get to invision power board (probably outdated but patched for security) for free

vbulletin is a complete forums package once you are licenced you can download skins here and see how other people do it.In the ACP (the vbulletin admin control panel) there is a thing called style manager from there you can manage the whole design on how your forums will look

a known vbulletin skins site is www.vbstyles.com (http://www.vbstyles.com) or


just to name two sites

ciao ;)

08-11-2006, 08:02 PM
You can register for a 24 admin demo to see how it works, by clicking here (www.vbulletin.com/admindemo.php)