View Full Version : vBulletin 2.3.x style for vBulletin 3.6.x

08-07-2006, 10:00 PM
For everyone who has times when they want to go totally retro, or just for a complete blast from the past.

This is something that I created simply because I was totally bored looking at vB3.x styles and wanted something completely different.

Literally, it is the total vBulletin 2.3.x style for vBulletin 3.6.0 (and should work with other versions in the 3.6.x series). It is the complete vBulletin 2.3.x style, written especially for vB 3.6.x which contains all the 3.6.x features, but in the classic style.

Important notes:
There is no differentiation between postbit and postbit_legacy, simply because there was only one style of postbit back then. Also, apart from the dropdowns in places like the members list, the only dropdowns in the whole style are in the usercp naviagtion, and the search and quicklinks in the navbar. Admin Tools are located in their previous location at the bottom right of the page, along with things like thread rating, search this thread, and forum jump.

Any modifications that you have made to your other styles for modifications installed, will need to be reapplied for this style. If you have any problems adding something (especially if it needs to go in places like forumhome, forumdisplay, showthread, memberinfo, newthread, or newreply) then please post which modification you require the edits for along with your copy of the style XML file and I will be happy to do them for you.

A significant number of templates have been completely rewritten for this style, so if you do encounter any problems, just ask.

Live Demo (http://www.peterska2.co.uk/?styleid=6) - Guest posting is enabled in the welcome room. You are also welcome to register to try out things like the usercp and other member only functions. You will notice the version number in my footer has been changed, but the site, despite what it says, is running the latest build of vBulletin.

Installation instructions are located in the zip file.

Attached are a selection of screenshots taken from this style.

08-08-2006, 09:25 PM
more screenshots

Oblivion Knight
08-08-2006, 09:35 PM
It's beautiful.. *wipes tear*

I have no use for this right now, but congrats on so accurately getting that vB 2.3.x look.. ;)

08-08-2006, 09:40 PM
Thanks Andy :D

It really does bring back a lot of memories doesn't it?

08-09-2006, 12:35 AM
YES! YES! Can you tell that I am thrilled? :cool:


08-09-2006, 12:46 AM
Glad you like it :D

Don't forget the install button now :p

08-09-2006, 04:50 AM
Mmm... tricky - no style chooser ..

08-09-2006, 04:54 AM
user cp > options.

That's the only place it is located in the original version, hence the only place that it is located in this one.

Apart from a couple of changes that had to be made to accommedate the sheer volumne of additional stuff since vB2, everything is exactly as you would find it if you installed vB2.3.10 on your site.

08-09-2006, 05:13 AM
Mmm... tricky - no style chooser ..

Or you can revert the footer as well.

Kirk Y
08-09-2006, 05:40 AM
But then it wouldn't be considered retro. :p

I think I'll install this one for myself, heh.

08-09-2006, 03:43 PM
Hi, many thx for your great work.

I've 2 javascript errors with ie and firefox:

Error: Unkown property 'font-color'. Declaration ignored.
Sourcefile: http://localhost/bbs/vbtest/forumdisplay.php?f=2
Line: 328


Error: fetch_object("currentPost") has no properties
Soucefile: http://.../showthread.php?p=29#post29
Line: 1

Regards, Stoebi

08-09-2006, 09:27 PM
I'll check them out later

actually, I've just had a look around at it and can't find them errors.

Can you confirm exactly what pages you are on.

ie, for the first one: is it a category or forum? are there posts in it or not?

for the second one: is that a thread or a show single post?

I know it isn't Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional as it is simply the fact that not only is in converting the style from one version to another and having to change a good chunk of it, but also the actual coding language has changed significantly since then. However, it never through up any javascript errors to me, so I'm at a loss without more info.

08-09-2006, 09:34 PM
Best style i've seen in awhile good job :)

* Dan likes the vB2 style

08-10-2006, 06:07 AM
The font-color declaration problem i've on FORUMHOME etc.
<!-- CSS Stylesheet -->
<style type="text/css" id="vbulletin_css">
/* vBulletin 3 CSS For Style '2.3.10 style' (styleid: 7) */
font-color: #000000

Sorry for my broken english. I found no examples with "font-color: ..." during the web search. Open Firefox and open the javascript console please.
I have these errors on every forum page.

If i changed "font-color: #000000" to "color: #000000;" in css options it works (FORUMHOME) for me.

style="border-top-width:0x" in calendar should be style="border-top-width:0px"

The fetch_object("currentPost") error you get if you hit 51913 or better if you call the post directly.
Example: http://your_forum.tld/showthread.php?p=29#post29

Kind Regards,


I'll check them out later

actually, I've just had a look around at it and can't find them errors.

Can you confirm exactly what pages you are on.

ie, for the first one: is it a category or forum? are there posts in it or not?

for the second one: is that a thread or a show single post?

I know it isn't Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional as it is simply the fact that not only is in converting the style from one version to another and having to change a good chunk of it, but also the actual coding language has changed significantly since then. However, it never through up any javascript errors to me, so I'm at a loss without more info.

08-10-2006, 04:00 PM
1. That mistake is in the extra CSS elements at the bottom of the main CSS in the code for the moderated class. You can change it yourself for now, and I'll fix it later in the XML file.

2. That is an error in the default template, not one that I have added in.

3. Cannot replicate, please provide an actual real link (not an example link) to where this is occuring, making sure that the style is accessible to guests.

08-10-2006, 06:06 PM
* Mayers clicks install

This skin is hot, i've been looking for one like this :). Ah the good ol days.

I'll be using this for my next project, always like the vB2 look more then vB3's.

08-13-2006, 04:38 PM
1. That mistake is in the extra CSS elements at the bottom of the main CSS in the code for the moderated class. You can change it yourself for now, and I'll fix it later in the XML file.
Thx :)

2. That is an error in the default template, not one that I have added in.
Okay, posted in the bugtracker (Fixed in cvs). Thx :)

3. Cannot replicate, please provide an actual real link (not an example link) to where this is occuring, making sure that the style is accessible to guests.

Okay, please open template postbit and search for:
<tr valign="top">
<if condition="$show['moderated']">

or goto line 12. Change the line to: <tr valign="top" $post[scrolltothis]>

The problem was gone.

I've found another glitch in FORUMHOME, please see the attachment.
My Screen-Resolution size: 1280x1024

Kind Regards, Stoebi

08-13-2006, 08:36 PM
Okay, posted in the bugtracker (Fixed in cvs). Thx :)

Great, I keep meaning to and then forgetting again. Saves me a job now :)

Okay, please open template postbit and search for:
<tr valign="top">
<if condition="$show['moderated']">

or goto line 12. Change the line to: <tr valign="top" $post[scrolltothis]>

The problem was gone.

I've found another glitch in FORUMHOME, please see the attachment.
My Screen-Resolution size: 1280x1024

Kind Regards, Stoebi

That's not a problem with a style, but unfortunately one to do with the way that the modification is written as you cannot change the colspan in it to be the number required for this style. It is something that I will be looking into.

Paul M
08-13-2006, 09:08 PM
It's nothing to do with how it's written, the php side works fine - they simply need to edit the Display_Visitors template for that custom style (the mod installs it's own template). The supplied default is designed for vb3.

08-13-2006, 11:02 PM
oh, I didn't realise it installed it's own template

if you follow the code in the forumhome template for the birthdays, then you will get the right colspan codes to change the ones in the display_visitors template too.

08-24-2006, 01:30 PM
Best style i've seen in awhile good job :)

* Dan likes the vB2 style

that makes two of us i love that style

09-03-2006, 10:11 PM
i luv this retro look thanks for the style!

i need to have another button on top (the arcade button)

could you please provide the PSD file for those buttons? thanx

09-04-2006, 03:16 AM
The PSD is available via the members area as it is the vB2 GDK that has been used.

09-04-2006, 09:56 AM
This is the best skin I have seen in many a long while. Congratulations and thanks.
One question though.
Can you advise me how to alter the postion of the reputation icons?

As you can see from this...........


......it's a little "cramped".
Thanks in advance.

09-04-2006, 10:13 AM
In both the postbit and postbit legacy template, find$vbphrase[reppower]</span>: $post[reppower]</if>and replace with$vbphrase[reppower]</span>: $post[reppower]<br /></if>

09-04-2006, 03:53 PM
Many thanks for that.

09-13-2006, 03:00 AM
Great Job!
Does anyone know where we can get the vBulletin_logo.psd?

09-13-2006, 12:05 PM
try vB.com I know they have a blank one for the 3.x logo so they possibly have one for the 2.x one too.

Edison Chen
09-26-2006, 08:35 PM
How about a version for version 3.5.4? Not everyone upgrades to version 3.6.0 so I was wondering if there is one for the former version.

09-30-2006, 11:06 PM
There may be a 3.5.x version later in the year, but at the moment due to the lack of a proper net connection and the consequential backlog of work I'm not planning to start anything new, and certainly nothing as major as the complete re-write that is required for this style. Doing the upgrade of it to work correctly with 3.6.1 is going to be bad enough as more templates are modified or even completely rewritten than are not.

10-01-2006, 11:16 AM
Very nice. I've been looking for this. Except maybe I would prefer a version where only the visual part was rewritten, not the interface part, like in postbit. ;p

10-01-2006, 02:35 PM
I don't get you there PV. Are you meaning that you still want all the dropdown menus and stuff like that, or pages like the forms to be left alone?

The style only requires javascript to be enabled in the usercp. The rest of the style works exactly like vB2 (or as close to it as I could replicate). The only drop down menus are the menu and search buttons in the navbar (quick links and search respectively), in the usercp, and inline moderation.

10-01-2006, 02:49 PM
I don't get you there PV. Are you meaning that you still want all the dropdown menus and stuff like that, or pages like the forms to be left alone?

The style only requires javascript to be enabled in the usercp. The rest of the style works exactly like vB2 (or as close to it as I could replicate). The only drop down menus are the menu and search buttons in the navbar (quick links and search respectively), in the usercp, and inline moderation.

Yes, I mean that I want the functionality&layout of vB 3.6 and colors/feel of vB 2.X. :)

10-04-2006, 08:16 PM
I like this style very much. Thanks peterska2! :D

10-05-2006, 06:23 PM
Thanks :)

01-22-2007, 12:12 AM
yah its missing a bunch of stuff sorry but dosent work for me

01-22-2007, 05:05 AM
yah its missing a bunch of stuff sorry but dosent work for me
Like what?

There is a product file with this style which you need to import as well as there are a lot of new phrases with it.

11-14-2007, 06:51 AM
Very classical style,it is suitable for 3.68 VBB?

02-14-2008, 06:50 AM
Hi Kerry-Anne

I just recently upgraded my board to the much awaited 3.7 beta version. The really really bad thing is that this theme no longer looks as good with all the changes/enhancements that has come with 3.7. Is there any chance that you are planning to update this theme to suit the 3.7-series of vB? It is beyond my skills to do an entire update myself, but I'll be more than glad to assist in any way suitable.

Thanks for providing the funkyiest and most wonderful theme for vB! :up:

05-20-2008, 09:15 AM
Another request for this to be ported to vb 3.7 :)

05-20-2008, 09:28 AM
It is unlikely to be ported to 3.7 as the new profiles would require extensive rewriting and the end result will be a layout without tabs. To get a decent profile page without tabs will require a lot of planning as well as a lot of trial and error to get it looking both retro enough to work correctly and still functional. In addition to this, the number of updates required just to get it compatible with 3.6.10 are extremely significant and therefore will take a while to apply by themselves.

However, I am not writing off updating it for 3.7 - it just is right at the bottom of the priority list.

05-21-2008, 06:23 PM

I also use the vB2 Sryle for my 3.6 Forum (http://www.wartower.de). I'm upgrading it these days to 3.7 and also porting the Style to it. I think it's enouth to port the main pages of the forum: Forumdisplay, Subforumlist, Threadlist, Postlist and Postform to make it look retro. ;)

I can post the Style If you need it. But I don't know if it is possible to export the whole templates. It will look like that: http://www.wartower.de/forum/. The Forumdisplay + Subforumlist is finished. I have to finish just the Threadlist, Post- and Postform.


08-11-2008, 03:45 AM
I downloaded this to my VB board and it seems I am missing all of the buttons at the top. Member List, User CP etc, etc. How do i fix this issue. As of right now no one has access to Pms or anything else.

08-11-2008, 04:37 PM
Ok my tech just tried to reupload the style and here's his response:

Not sure on this one, I just re uploaded the product file and style files as
well as images. Kind of weird that the header isn't showing up with the menu
buttons like it does in demo shots, it's usual really easy and works the
first time.

Another guy I am talking with on the VB.org forum tried to upload the skin to his site to see and it did the same for him.
Can you let me know what the problem may be or how I can go about fixing this please... this skin is too pretty to not use for my forums.

08-14-2008, 10:23 AM
Awesome skin!
Shame I can't use it :(
Im on vBulletin 3.6.10 PL 3,
But if I use the style, i get errors because I need to update the templates,
and if I do...it just looks like vB3 again!
Has anyone got an update version of the style? That would greatly be apreciated!
