View Full Version : Creating PHP files that go directly to templates

03-25-2001, 05:22 PM
How do you do this?

I want a PHP file that will go directly to a template

And the template will use stuff from the database like amount of posts and newest member, sessionhash-ed links etc.

The file would do nothing apart from display the thing in the template!

What the PHP code?

I tried one, and it went to the template, but did not display any variable stuff,

eg - it said "Registered Members:
threads in total | posts in total

You last visited: 03-25-2001 02:22 PM.
The time now is 02:22 PM. .
Welcome to our newest member, ."

That was just using this code:


$templatesused = "newtemplate";



How do I do it???

Thanx in advance

03-25-2001, 05:47 PM
when you're included php file generates some variables like

$newestmember etc..

Then you can reference to them in the template

So if you have:


$templatesused = "newtemplate";

$bla = "123";



Then you can reference to $bla in your template....Or if you have a separate php file which contains $bla and you include this file before evaluating the template you can do exact the same thing...

Evaluate does just evaluating the content of a template as if it was php code...so every $variable in the template is parsed with their corresponding variable...

03-25-2001, 05:53 PM
Thanx for ya help

What I now need to know is how to enter variable details like amount of members and connecting to the database....

03-25-2001, 05:55 PM
if you include global.php you don't need to connect to the database....

use a code like this:

$query = "SELECT <fields> FROM <tables>";

$result = $DB_site->query($query);

while($row = $DB_site->fetch_array($result))
{ doSomeStuff();