View Full Version : Logician's Webtemplates just a small request

07-31-2006, 08:15 PM
Hey all, it's been a while. I bought myself another license so I am back again :)

I actually have a small request because I can't get back into the vB coding quite so easily. There's a lot for me to relearn.

For the templates, I need a news system. Just a little something which pulls the top newest posts out of a forum. I understand there's a preset variable which does this $WQ_last10threadfromforum2 however it seems to be pulling blank even though I have a post in that forum. It seems to pull empty.

I have ensured that I ticked the "used web query" but nothing.

Could use a little help getting this fixed and/or if not then some help making something which works in the same way.

07-31-2006, 09:07 PM
Hmmm.. Tried adding it as $GLOBALS[WQ_last10threadfromforum2] ?
Sometimes this is all that is needed

08-01-2006, 05:36 AM
I'll post a couple of screenshots with this post. I tried the GLOBALS thing but it's still coming up a blank template. Maybe it's something silly I am missing that I needed to do, but I cannot figure it out, sorry.

Edit, the first screenshot was fixed.

I forgot the WQ bit. It shows the forum ID 2, but how do I [might I enquire] go about changing that? I had a look around but I can't see anything. I was trying to look for the template for that table as well. I wanted a bit of cell-padding and centering to spruce its appeal up a bit more.

Thank yah.