View Full Version : changing url font

07-28-2006, 08:45 PM
So I whenever anyone posts using the [url] tags to create a hyperlink, I would like the text to be colored (blue, yellow, whatever), b/c otherwise it looks similar to the other text in the post and everyone misses it.

But I cannot find where to do this via the Main CSS page in the adminCP, and read an old post from 03 that had the person editing the functions.php...I'm lost, any help here?

I am using VB 3.5.1

07-31-2006, 06:16 AM
You will need to edit the font color for the links in the Main CSS for the alt1 and alt2 color. Note though, that this will also edit them everywhere were the alt1 and alt2 class are used.

07-31-2006, 09:32 PM
Can you give me a screen shot of that.
I can't seem to figure it out.

Circle a few things maybe.
If it's to much work for you I can paypal you.

None of my board members know it's a link. No fun for them or me.

Thanks for any help.