View Full Version : Help Me Convert from phpBB - List of Required and Desired Mods/Hacks

07-25-2006, 12:51 PM
I originally posted this on the pre-sales forum in vbulletin.com. However, they recommended posting here for insight on the hacks.

I set up an internal phpBB forum for my company a few years ago and I would like to convert the board to vBulletin because of the obvious advantages (to me anyway). However, I need some assistance in justifying the move which includes functionality as well as costs. Since it's a corporate environment, the cost of a few licenses with a yearly recurring fee is not extremely significant. However, the current functionality must remain in addition to the added features of course.

I know I can trudge through this site and vbulletin.org to find the answers, but I'm hoping I can get some quick answers to get me started since this is pre-sales after all. I have a list of required hacks/mods that are basically deal breakers if they cannot be satisfied and also a few desired. If it's not too much to ask, please let me know if there is a supported hack/mod that performs the function.

I know out of the box, vB is pretty full featured and several items on the list are already satisfied by the plain vanilla installation of vB.

Categories Hierarchy (sub-forums) - Out of the box support by vB
Quick Reply Mod - Out of the box support by vB
Quick Search - Out of the box support by vB
RSS Content Syndicator - Out of the box support by vB
Forum Permissions List - Out of the box support by vB
Attachment Mod - Out of the box support by vB
Printer Friendly Topic Mod - Out of the box support by vB
New Topic/Reply Notify MOD - Must have ability to enable/disable text within post

Highly Desired:
RSA Two-Factor Authentication - I will buy the licenses right now if there is a hack/mod for this!! :)
Embedded Pictures/Images - Ability to have full size images within threads so that text can be placed above and below images.

Tab BBCode
Table BBCode
FAQ Editor
Topic Cement - This basically allows me to add weights to topics for sorting
Email posts or messages to combinations of groups - This is essentially limited to a forum. If a post is made within this forum, an email will be sent either to a group or a single email that includes contents of the post.

Thank you for your time. I realize this post may be a little involved, but please just take a crack at any of the above mentioned items. Any info will be appreciated.

07-25-2006, 01:05 PM
New Topic/Reply Notify MOD - Must have ability to enable/disable text within post
As in you get an email becuase I have replied to your post? That is done with a default setting and sends one email per thread if a new post is made in it. Once you log in, then new emails will be resent for all threads.

RSA Two-Factor Authentication - I will buy the licenses right now if there is a hack/mod for this!! :)
I'm not sure what this is, can you explain further please.

Embedded Pictures/Images - Ability to have full size images within threads so that text can be placed above and below images.
This is done with the use of the image BB Code. eg


Table BBCode This is available
FAQ EditorDone as default through the admin control panel.
Topic Cement - This basically allows me to add weights to topics for sortingSticky threads anchor topics to the top of the forum. A wide range of sorting options are available also.
Email posts or messages to combinations of groups - This is essentially limited to a forum. If a post is made within this forum, an email will be sent either to a group or a single email that includes contents of the post.This can be done via the forum settings for the forum that you wish to do it on. This sends for every single post made, whether logged in or not.
GlossaryYou could an FAQ Section for this, or you could achieve it a variety of different ways. Personally, I would go with the FAQ section as it will be a lot easier to manage.

07-25-2006, 01:29 PM
I appreciate your response. I'll clarify some of the items below.

As in you get an email becuase I have replied to your post? That is done with a default setting and sends one email per thread if a new post is made in it. Once you log in, then new emails will be resent for all threads.
Within a specified forum, if someone makes a post, the contents of the post is sent to a single email address. That email could be an individual or a distribution list. Here's (http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=180977) the link to the mod.

I'm not sure what this is, can you explain further please.
Two factor authentication is basically an external form of authentication. Instead of username/passwords being stored in the MySQL DB of vB, the forum would reference an RSA server instead. The user must enter a username and then PIN/Password combination before he/she is allowed to enter.

This is done with the use of the image BB Code. eg

Yes, I realize it can be performed this way. However, it requires that images be linked from an external source. So if I were to post a thread with several pictures, I would first need to write the contents of the article, then copy images to an HTTP server, then set up my image links.

I was wondering if it's simply possible to just upload images as I write text around them (embedded images). It reduces the amount of steps and increases ease of use.

Sticky threads anchor topics to the top of the forum. A wide range of sorting options are available also.
Yes, but conept is if I have 10 sticky threads in a forum, I would like a way for the important ones to constantly remain on top in a set order. I can do this by adding weights to each topic. For example, Sticky1 would have a weight of 100 and Sticky2 has a weight of 90. S1 will always exist on above S2 regardless of sort order.

This can be done via the forum settings for the forum that you wish to do it on. This sends for every single post made, whether logged in or not.
I believe this will work for what I'm trying to accomplish.

You could an FAQ Section for this, or you could achieve it a variety of different ways. Personally, I would go with the FAQ section as it will be a lot easier to manage.
I think I'll need both. Basically, I want to have a glossary that has a list of items from A-Z. Clicking on a letter will obviously only list definitions/terms that begin with the corresponding letter.

I frequent many forums and the vast majority of them are vBulletin. I definitely see the advantages of the software over phpBB. I like the plugin concept of mods/hacks, I like the added functionality and I definitely appreciate the paid support. If I can retain the current functionality of the current phpBB installation, then I can convince my company to make the switch. Thanks again!

I didn't elaborate enough on a particular mod: Email posts or messages to combinations of groups Here's (http://www.phpbb.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=231577) the link.

Basically, if I post something in a forum, I have the ability of sending this post to a user group regardless of whether or not they are subscribed to the forum or not. I can specify whether or not to include text of the post, or simply a link to a post. It's a proactive way of notifying users of an important thread in a forum.

Chris M
07-27-2006, 07:41 AM
Most of these that you have requested can be accomplished with a few code alterations - The only one I am entirely unsure about is the RSA Two-Factor Authentication :)


07-27-2006, 12:27 PM
I've purchased vB and I'm liking it thus far. Now I just need to track down all the hacks to ensure I maintain the functionality I had with phpBB.

Chris M
07-28-2006, 09:58 AM
Congratulations on your new purchase! :)

Welcome to the community :)


07-28-2006, 02:06 PM
Thanks. Now I'm just trying to track down a key mod, but I can't seem to find a similar hack in vB.

Chris M
07-28-2006, 02:46 PM
What modification is it (a description of what it is/does would be easier to find it by)? :)


07-28-2006, 02:48 PM
THIS (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=122306) one is the only critical one that is missing. If you could point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it. :)

Chris M
07-31-2006, 12:35 PM
I cant think of any existing modification that does that, but when I get home this evening I shall take a look further :)


07-31-2006, 03:10 PM
Thanks Chris. Please let me know.