View Full Version : A Name Hack?

04-22-2000, 11:59 PM
One of the hacks that I have liked on UBB is the the ability to jump to the latest post in a thread by including an <A Name=xxx> tag to each message. That way anytime someone posts a reply to a message they are taken to the message they just wrote instead of back to the start of the thread. This works really well with really long threads.

Any ideas on including it with this program?


04-23-2000, 07:12 AM
Check out the forum here. A names are already there. This is a template change for the next version.

To see how it works, see the 'Last post' part of any profile. It links to the post.


04-23-2000, 07:45 AM
What he means is something that I have brought up before.

When you post to a topic, it takes you automatically to the post you just made (post at my UBB if you want to see what he's talking about).
The way this proggie is set up right now, when you make a post it takes you back to the forum index page, not the topic. I think it should *at least* take you to the page your post shows up on.

The way the hack works in UBB is that it puts an anchor (<a name="#335> ) using the post number in a topic, then parses the number by the number of posts per page, then changes the redirects URL from the "between" screen using the proper page number and anchor name to take you to the proper post.
Again, make a post at my board if you want to see it in action.

04-23-2000, 08:41 AM
