View Full Version : PCOSMommies - looking for feedback

07-20-2006, 04:18 AM
This is a support/discussion board for moms who have PCOS. We opened on 3/3/06, and were open for 1 year before that on Proboards. Looking for some feedback :)

PCOSMommies.com (http://PCOSMommies.com)

TIA ;)

07-21-2006, 12:43 PM
I personally would recommend you to change the comic sans font on the welcome message, probably wont harm your audience, but quite some people hate it ;)
The style is nice, but a bit too flashy if you ask me, it distracts you from the actual content. On the postbit you got quite some icons and other distracting things, wouldn't be my choise either, but I guess it's ok for your audience/website.

Might not be a fantastic review, but I hope you can do something with it, keep up your nice work!

07-21-2006, 06:11 PM
I suppose the colors are fine for the age group of the audiance.

07-28-2006, 11:49 PM
It looks very good, and the style is fitting for the intended audience.

Personally I find your header far too big as you have to scroll down to get past the navbar.

On your forumhome there is a big gap between the end of the navbar and the start of the forums.

Your images match your style very nicely, although some of the buttons look out of place as they are the default buttons (new reply for example) and don't blend in at all.

With regards to your postbit, it is very busy where you have petz, awards, and vBPlaza items in there. Arcade awards are hidden behind the other awards.