View Full Version : Need advanced coders

07-17-2006, 10:23 PM
Dear Vb Coders,

I am in the process of coding large hack and am formally inviting any advanced coder here at vb.org to join the development team for the project.

If you are wanting to join and help in this development team, you will need to
- be experienced with php/mysql/vbulletin
- released at least one mod/hack on vb.org
- a member at vb.org for at least 1 month
- able to dedicate at least 2+ hours/day during weekdays and 5+ hours on weekends to aid the project
- post in our private development team forum

To request a quick interview, either PM me or contact me via e-mail (http://www.chadfullerton.com/contact.html).

Thanks for your time,
Hope to see you on the team soon :)

07-21-2006, 01:15 PM
Been getting some PM's. I need 1-2 more coders. I can chat with you on any IM client if you wish to discuss details of the project.

07-21-2006, 02:47 PM
2+ hrs during week days and 5+ hours of weekend makes it more than part-time working already. Are you trying to build new forum software or another cms portal? I doubt if someone is actually willing to throw in that much of their time and effort to code for you for nothing in return.

Anyway, good luck finding your coders!

07-21-2006, 02:53 PM
No, it isn't that big lol, but 1-2 hours a day isn't long. The reason I would like to get 1-2 hours is to try and finish this project as soon as possible. Sure, we could work 1 hour per week, but then it'll take 5-6 months to finish.

I'm sure any coder can spend 1 hour a day, or at 4 hours during the entire week (you dont have to work exactly 1 hour per day, but at least show some code progress each week).

I know that people have busy schedules, some days they have no time, some days they can work hard, just as long as the project gets work progressively done each week! :)

08-18-2006, 01:34 PM
Just an update: gio~logist was selected for this project, and he was to code a profile comments mod as well as an events mod.

He has only coded the comments mod and has stopped responding to my emails. I'll keep trying to contact him.