View Full Version : Clicky smiles,,,

03-23-2001, 04:53 PM
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getclickysmilies() in /home/.michelangelo/teesider/teessiders.net/CKC/newthread.php on line 314

I get this error when you try to make a new,or reply post:(:(

I have checked the line and it fine...

Any help would be good thanx...

03-23-2001, 04:59 PM
did you add the "getclickysmilies()" to your functions.php file like the Hack instructions say?

03-23-2001, 05:01 PM
Yep:)<? and before the first function....

03-23-2001, 06:21 PM
And where abouts does this bit of code go in the BBCODE template

<font face="\5">\7</font>

03-23-2001, 06:28 PM
That doesn't go in the bbcode template. You need to create a new custom bbcode and put that in the Replacement box when doing that.

03-23-2001, 07:23 PM
right over the top of my head...

Fuzzy what you up to m8...:D