View Full Version : Total Game Talk forums

07-11-2006, 10:16 PM
The site is dedicated to gaming of all sorts. There is a download section, points system, arcade, homepage, etc etc etc...

The style, to me, is sleek and stylish and well...it's really all up to you. There is a quick and easy way to register on the front forum page, making it easier for those lazys to register.

Well, enjoy the site!

http://www.totalgametalk.com << Main Site
http://www.totalgametalk.com/forums << Forums

07-12-2006, 06:50 AM

Great idea, love the gray and red aswell!, works erally well togther, also love the layout!

But.... 1) The site navigation looks out of place, alltho you want people at the forums, dont use a different size/colour..... Possibly bold tho...

2) the expand collapse buttons seem a bit out of place, not entirely sure why!!

3) The blue makes it a 3 tone site, it works, but again possibly the wrong blue for me!!!

Great work tho!


07-12-2006, 07:15 AM
very nice layout maybe navbar could have some more work like dropdown menus or something around that line.