View Full Version : White vertical table cells?

07-10-2006, 06:17 PM
Hello guys,
It's been quite a while since i have been here so i hope this is the right place to ask this since the forums have changed much since my last visit.

Well first of all i am using Vbulliten 3.5.4,a while back when 3.5.0 beta was in use i developed a custom theme which i got to work fine in both Internet explorer and Firefox.Recently we reopened our forum and after reinstalling the skin i noticed a small problem that only appears in firefox browser in the form of these white lines next to some table cells.I was hopeing someone could point me in the direction to fix this small annoyance.The screen shots below show the problem.The first screen shot shows how it should and does look in IE,second in Firefox.Thanks for your time.Also note i did revert all templates that needed it after installing the skin.

http://img362.imageshack.us/img362/7656/17jx4.th.jpg (http://img362.imageshack.us/my.php?image=17jx4.jpg) http://img362.imageshack.us/img362/6849/29ar.th.jpg (http://img362.imageshack.us/my.php?image=29ar.jpg)

07-12-2006, 06:09 PM
I've been searching around stll without luck finding whats causing this.No one seems to have had this before.It has me stumped.

07-12-2006, 08:08 PM
I see what you mean but I can't think what would be causing it. Can you provide the link to your site then I can take a better look please. Thanks.

07-12-2006, 08:15 PM
Looking at his images with a magnifying glass, his site is at:


Although I do see the white vertical lines in the right side of the Statusicons in the 2nd image, I don't see it that way with either IE 6 or FireFox, when looking at your site just now. Did you change something, or maybe you are using a different version of FireFox. Or maybe a cookie issue?


07-12-2006, 08:23 PM
I just taken a look in both FF and IE and see no such borders.

My screenshots are attached in both FF and IE

FF is the first one followed by IE

07-12-2006, 08:44 PM
Hmm this is strange,I am using IE6 in which it works fine,havent changed anything and i am using the latest firefox which is when i first noticed the problem.I didntnt notice it before the update so i assume it had to be caused by the new version of firefox or the new version or vB.We upgraded from 3.5.0 to 3.5.4 either way this isnt a major issue but is a bit annoying.Also thanks for the replies as this is driving me nuts lol.

07-12-2006, 08:46 PM
Thats the same versions as I am using, so I assume it is something else local to your system. Have any of your members reprted the same thing?

07-12-2006, 08:48 PM
My co-admin reported the same issue,he is using the same version of FF as me.I will ask around to other members but the main thing that strikes me is that i only notice this on our custom skin.No other VB based forums i noticed this issue on which made me think it was the skin itself.But i cant seem to find what causes it.

EDIT:I think we posted almost the exact time so you might not have seen my post above your last post.

07-12-2006, 09:25 PM
Firefox/, I see bars in the first image, but I was able to fix it in the second. bars is full screen, nobars is windowed. Are they white bars or gray bars?

Maybe here:

background: #322723;
color: #CCCCCC;

EDIT: Also notice that the right bar in any cell is shorter than the left bar in the same cell, like a 3d border effect.

07-12-2006, 09:39 PM
bhxtyrant: Try dumping your cookie for FireFox and see if you are still using your cookie from the "old" forum. Tools -> Options -> Cookies -> Clear Cookies.


07-12-2006, 10:11 PM
Firefox/, I see bars in the first image, but I was able to fix it in the second. bars is full screen, nobars is windowed. Are they white bars or gray bars?

Maybe here:

background: #322723;
color: #CCCCCC;

EDIT: Also notice that the right bar in any cell is shorter than the left bar in the same cell, like a 3d border effect.
Thanks for the reply,and hey you are right,when windowed they do not appear only in full screen.Also that CSS you posted is for the table border and text color the #CCCCCC is for text not the border itself.

The bars appear to be white for me although i guess that varies depending on your monitors settings.

Also good eyes you have there i am using the "ridge" CSS on some borders.don't think that is whats causing the issue though.

Tryed clearing cookies as well without any luck.Seems to be a firefox issue.

07-12-2006, 10:47 PM
The bars do not show here, whether "windowed" or "full screen" in FireFox. Maybe it is a screen resolution issue or graphics card issue?


07-12-2006, 10:51 PM
Hmm i am not sure,I never had this problem when i was using the old version of FF it just showed up after updating.I have been using the resolution of 1024x768 and same graphics card so i don't believe that is the issue.Either way at least now i know it's a FF issue and not the skin itself (as far as i can see) still makes me wonder why i don't see it duplicated in other forum skins.

07-12-2006, 10:55 PM
Or why, with the same resolution and same version of FireFox, I, and others, do not see the "defect" at all????? Maybe reinstalling Firefox might product some change in the issue. Never know until you try.


07-12-2006, 10:58 PM
Believe me slappy i am wondering the same thing,Im not a vB expert by any means so im just here trying to figure this out myself.Hmm only other thing that i can think of that could be causing the issue is perhaps the custom theme i have installed in windows XP but like i said this issue didnt happen before upgrading FF.It has me stumped so i take any and all suggestions.Seems a few people can see this "defect" and some can not so it's not just myself.

07-12-2006, 11:19 PM
If you remove:
border: 1px ridge #322723;

.alt1, .alt1Active and .alt2, .alt2Active

The problem goes away, at least it does when I test your code on my site.

07-12-2006, 11:48 PM
Thanks Warnmar10,
Removing the ridge effect did the trick it seems.Very weird how that causes a problem now but not before but thanks a ton.I have been looking at my style for days trying to see if i missed a color somewhere lol.I noticed that this problem does happen other places even after i removed the ridge from alt1 and 2 so looks like i will have to do away with the ridge effect for good.

07-14-2006, 11:42 AM
Try using border-style: ridge

07-15-2006, 03:41 AM
Thanks again warnmar10,
I tried your suggestion but that brings back the white table cells again.It's not really a big deal though to have the ridge effect.I had it for the purpose of the look it had in the early stages of developing my skin but it's not really needed anymore now that my skin is alot more advanced since then using images as borders instead of simple table borders.This can be closed mods.Thanks again.