View Full Version : Poker forum, feedback sought

07-10-2006, 10:44 AM
Hi folks,
Firstly, was just wondering if I could get some feedback on my forum. My website is www.poker.ie (http://www.poker.ie/), and the direct link to the forum is here (http://www.poker.ie/community/forums/). As you can see we have implemented a "Magazine (http://www.poker.ie/community/magazine/index.php)" section within the forum, where latest articles are shown on the community front page (http://www.poker.ie/community/index.php)

Any feedback would be much appreciated.

Thanks very much!

07-10-2006, 10:03 PM
Not bad :) I think the design could be better but overal its decent. Looks like a lot of time went into it!

07-11-2006, 06:27 AM
Wow, alot of work has gone into this site, it does look very professional!

I cant actually pick a fault, loads perfectly, colours are fine, graphics are great.....

And i like poker! :)

Looks like a lot of thought went into this 1!


07-28-2006, 10:32 PM
Very nice and smooth :)

Love your clean and simple style, and your statusicons are brilliant. They fit with your style perfectly.

The only thing I would change are your buttons. The rest of the style is perfectly formed but IMO the default buttons let it down.

Spot on with the muber of forums for the current level of posts and threads.