View Full Version : Move from phpbb to vb

07-09-2006, 07:02 PM
Hello folks :)

I am considering a change from phpbb to vbulletin, but I've never fiddled with vb at all so how would you describe a change from phpbb to vb?

Also (a lil OT perhaps), I read a little about apache vs. lighttpd. Would there be any problems associated with changing or is it simple to change? (I'm not a linux guru but I can use it fairly well).

Should I stay with Debian linux (which I know my way around) or would the performance be much better with freebsd on a Dual Opteron 240 with 2gb ram and two mirrored sata drives? The server will be running teamspeak (set for 1000 users), the big site (that will use vbulletin), and some minor sites.

Oh, how difficult is it to import or convert a phpbb database to use with vb? :)

07-09-2006, 07:09 PM
Change is really easy, basically you create a new database and use the impex (importing software) to import your phpbb into a brand new vBulletin installation.

Not to sure on the apache vs lighttpd thing, I've heard some information about lighttpd working great with vBulletin, not sure how hard it is to switch an existing apache installation over to lighttpd or vice versa.

Really, I'm going to say stick with Debian, It might be a pain to switch to a different OS, but if you do want to change FreeBSD is a great OS to use.

07-09-2006, 07:17 PM
Thanks for the quick reply. It does seem like a good investment.
Is it easier to administrate than phpbb, and how hard is it to install hacks?

07-09-2006, 08:34 PM
Yes, I feel vBulletin is easier to administrate than phpBB but that's my personal opinion as I've used both products a lot. Hack installation is really easy now with the introduction of the plugin system, it's mostly upload a file via ftp and upload the product file via the web interface and it works. There's very few mods that even need to touch the files themselves these days so it's really very simple in most cases.

12-18-2006, 10:02 PM
Well.. I purchased a license and I must say it's alot easier to fiddle with than phpbb.

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