View Full Version : what do you think of this?

07-08-2006, 01:09 PM

I just went LIVE today. What does everyone think?


please give me your honest feedback.....so i can improve the site!!!


07-08-2006, 05:18 PM
Interesting choice of colors. Seems very clean and simple, not bad at all.

By the way, i love your classifieds system ;)

07-08-2006, 06:23 PM
thanks for the feedback....i am still working on some stuff!!!!

07-08-2006, 06:37 PM
Again, interesting colourscheme, but actually its really good, very simple, easy to read, great layout.

Nice site!

07-08-2006, 06:37 PM
Very attracting.
Nice layout design, Colors match, The forum was kinda basic but i don't think you were talkin about forums, I suggest maybe a cool looking banner on the front page or some type of Image. The Navbar looks a little over crowded, Everything else looks pretty good.
Toyota Fine-X history (http://www.toyota-wiki.com/wiki/Toyota_Fine-X)

07-08-2006, 06:49 PM
thanks everyone...i will be taking all suggestions into consideration...

07-14-2006, 03:42 AM
You have got too many forums. Start with just a few (less than 10) and increase as the need arises. Members do not register to a large site with lots of empty forums.

The style is an interesting color combination, but your custom images are very nice.

With some work and some forum restructuring I think it could do well.

07-14-2006, 04:06 PM
thanks everyone...i will be taking all suggestions into consideration...
Return the favor :) Here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=121143) thanx.
weed (http://wwweed.com/)

07-16-2006, 12:08 AM
That looks outstanding, great color scheme, especially with the theme of your site.

The only thing I don't like is the forum dropdown box on the navbar - seems like an unnecessary extra click, but it's just a small nitpick.

Brandon Sheley
07-16-2006, 12:23 AM
looks great, but I agree with to many empty forums right now..