View Full Version : Problem in FORUMDISPLAY

07-05-2006, 05:18 AM
Of course I am creating my own style, this is the first of many to be released in the next month, anyway, the problem I am having is this, it seems as though my table is adding an addition column when viewing forumdisplay, showgroups, and search. View attached image to see the problem.

The problem has a red box around it.

Anyone that can help, I will greatly appreciate it as I have checked every possible template but nothing, maybe I missed something or maybe I screwed up.

Thanks in advance

07-05-2006, 10:38 AM
I'd check your footer again, as it's more than likely as stray <td> in there near the top. Although, as you didn't say that it was happening on forumhome, then it probably isn't your footer.

You haven't done anything obvious like adding a sidebar on the forumhome have you?

07-05-2006, 09:29 PM
No don't think I did that on the forumhome, I'll double check. Thanks peterska

Nope, nothing, so I'm at a loss here.

Found the problem but having trouble fixing it, its caused by having a table within a table and not giving the entire thing its own row.

Fixed all the way, it was a problem with how I had the tables setup, I didn't give it a row and column, I just put it inside another table. I'm an idiot.