View Full Version : RSS Feed for VB 2.2

06-27-2006, 10:00 PM
I looked at some other code here on the site to use as a basis for this mod and even though I also operate a vb3 forum in addition to a VB2 forum I wanted an RSS feed for my VB2 forum that will work with Google and other's who accept standard RSS. Yahoo does not accept this RSS feed (they have their own specific requirements - it almost works until you click the button to add it ti you Yahoo homepage) and I may enhance this mod soon to do that - however there are no promises for Yahoo compatibility.

You'll also have to modify this code to change the forumids if the forums you wish to exclude from your RSS Feed.

I have tried this on Google and it works fine adding an RSS feed to my Google Home page.

I cannot and do not supply support for this mod. The code is straight forward.

06-28-2006, 01:53 PM
Some Notes:

I subtract 5 hours from the last post time since my server is in the Eastern Time Zone. I have left in the code you can uncomment if you want to feed the true post time recorded.

08-16-2006, 07:12 PM
installed, and as it says, the code is straight forward. Works like a charm, keeps me from having to log in all the time to keep updated on my forum at work. Thanks!

Undertaker #59
06-08-2007, 06:11 PM
This is a shot in the dark as I doubt anyone is using this, and it is not supported, but I installed this and it works more or less. I figured out where to exclude the forums I want excluded. The problem is it never pulls from the forum I want it to, even if I don't have any exclusions. That forumid is 2.

If some kind soul who knows PHP could take a quick look at this small script and tell me what I need to change to get it to pull from forumid2, it would be greatly appreciated.