View Full Version : Nesting vBulletin within another template

06-16-2006, 11:57 PM
On our webpage we have SSIs on every page which are currently static HTML pages: <!--include virtual="..."-->

I would like to keep the header and side menu and have vBulletin fill up the rest, but I'm really not sure how. There's a site that does something similar which is: http://forum.notebookreview.com/ Does anybody know how to change the style in vBulletin to do this? I'm a bit of newbie to CSS so I could really use a bit of help. Thanks!

06-17-2006, 10:39 AM
This is very easy to do if I am understanding you correctly.

What you want to do is modify the header template, and the footer template. These are normally just the templates above and below the forum, but with a little work you can place a sidebar or whatever else you need in there.

If you need help with this just post a reply. Also it's helpful if you let us know exactly what code you are trying to 'wrap' around vBulletin. :)

Hope that helps.

06-19-2006, 06:54 PM
The way we do it on other pages is this: <!--#include virtual="/includes/NavBar.html" -->

But this doesn't seem to work when I place it inside the header part of Styles & Templates -> Common Templates.

I also tried just including the file locally but that doesn't work either. Does anybody know how to include a file?

<!--#include file="asdf.html" --> doesn't work