View Full Version : Removing delete privledges from mods.

06-16-2006, 12:38 PM
Hey all.... I have recently had an issue with several of my mods.... There was a falling out between staff and some of my FORMER mods took it upon themeselves to delete a great deal of the posts from my site.... Now... I'm unsure of which mods I can trust and which I can't...
So this is what I would like to do...
I would lke to make it so Moderators can not delete any posts or threads at all. I also would like to make it so Super Moderators can only soft delete posts or threads....

Is there an add on for this or is there some way I could do this?

I have already checked all the permission things and can't find anything to disable deleting of popsts or threads except for the option to turn off deleting their own posts and threads....

Thanks in advance.