View Full Version : [3.6.x] Infractions Permissions Help

06-13-2006, 02:07 AM
Since vBulletin chose to not override usergroups completely by actually placing the infraction usergroup as the primary or secondary, I was wondering if someone could maybe make a modification allowing that.

Basically, I setup the infraction system so that when they receive x amount of infractions, they're placed into my Suspended usergroup. Rather than showing the "You do not have permissions blah blah" on everything, I have always used a forum to explain why a user is where they're at. In this case, they're going to know as they've been warned and whatnot, but since the infraction usergroup doesn't override ALL permissions, it doesn't override the forum permissions that are already set to no on Registered Users. It only turns yes's into no's; NOT no's into yes's.

Could someone help me out? If that's not possible, does anyone know of an "if condition" thinger I could use and I'll just have an announcement under the navbar or something.


07-16-2006, 05:15 PM
I'd like to second this request. I really would like to be able to change usergroups through the infraction system.

08-04-2006, 05:07 AM
Yes, it's rather misleading that you can't.

I would like to camp on to this request.

A really basic thing that WE use on our forum is a set of standard PM texts as various warnings for various standard problems. Right now, we have them stickied in our Mod forum.

Now, we STILL have to go and get the right one, and cut and paste it into the infraction PM. Hello? Seems like it would have been a no-brainer to add a standard text field that would be with the infraction group that could automatically default in as the PM warning. Edit or delete as you see fit.

Also, I would like the ability to view infractions given to the moderators. (The report version available to the super administrator.)

08-08-2006, 08:55 PM
I third this request! The current infractions system is somewhat of a let down. I'd like for it to be able to ban or temp ban people when they get to a certain level, as well as give the banned user a reason.

See the inferno warnings system mod for details; it's exactly what the infractions system should have been.