View Full Version : Forums Breaking Tables

06-12-2006, 10:20 PM
I have installed some skins. Then started to add the forums... one cat. and its forums looked good. Then i assumed the others would be fine well i went to check after adding alot more forums/cats. And everything after the first Cat or forums are all messed up...


I am fooled around with it thought maybe it was because i merged it with the basic skin, so i reinstalled the skin under a new name and the same thing hppens. But the header loads right then snaps into a messed up posistion. The footer stay the correct position. FYI i am having this issue wiht 2 or my skins, so help would help more than you know...

06-13-2006, 07:58 PM
go to admincp / styles & templates / click "find updated templates"

once you have a list do a compare (history) ... and compare the difference in your edited template vs the old template

pay close attention to your "forumhome_" templates