View Full Version : Static-Design

Sean S
06-12-2006, 01:23 AM
http://www.static-design.com/sdvborg.gif (http://www.static-design.com)

Hi everyone,

I have recently re-released my website Static-Design. It is far from complete or the point that I want it, but it is slowly getting there and I'm happy. Basically the purpose or idea that I had behind this release was to make my website use vbulletin as the main backend system as I got tired of trying to integrate other scripts into it's user system and that after working with vb3 for a few years now, I felt more comfortable with the coding and template structure.

There is still a lot of bugs and errors that I'm slowly fixing, but I released the beta version before the site gets even more inactive and I couldn't let it die as it is my main source of inspiration.

What is the purpose of this website?
Well my website is mainly targetted toward artists/graphic designers/and web designers, however it is open to everyone that is willing to talk/learn about art and design and possibly web development. In the past we use to do or take care of requests, but now our goal is to provide more content, tutorials, and downloads to our members and visitors. And since I'm an active member in the vbulletin community, I'm planning to create both free/paid vbulletin skins in the future, in fact I'm working on one right now which should be released soon.

The whole website took me a couple month to do, as I was out for school and also had to get help for programming from couple of people including a good friend Cinq.

Some of the areas that you might be interested to check out would be,

the profile pages of each member,
the index page (powered by vbadvanced),
and the downloads section

I'm sorry if at the moment the forums ask you to login for some pages, I'm still configuring the permissions but you should get the idea as some of the major areas don't require you to login.

I could go on and on and explain my website, but don't want to give anyone any headaches. I could have just linked to my website but thought it would be better if you entered my website with a little understanding of what it is about,

thank you for viewing and for your comments,

06-12-2006, 05:27 AM
Brilliant design and frontpage. All easy on the eyes and nicely laid out. This site definitely deserves some promotion to further expand how it should.

06-12-2006, 10:48 AM
Excellent design. Colour usage is spot on and brilliantly thought about. I really love the vectored images you've intergrated into your designs and find this rare amongst stylers.

I like how you've designed some of the other (less important images) Rep bar, It looks unique as does the way you've constructed/ laid out your designs.

Makes me want to restart my style again.

Very nice work.

06-12-2006, 02:14 PM
Frontpage with vBadvanced ?

Download section so ?

psss, very nice work !!

Sean S
06-14-2006, 06:51 PM
Thank you very much guys, I really appreciate it :)

06-14-2006, 07:47 PM
The negative thing = the wing design of your logo. It has been used by too many sites already.

Rest looks awsome.

06-15-2006, 02:51 AM

...nice....very nice... (sorry couldn't be more constructive but writing email for custom work for me! :) )

06-15-2006, 03:13 AM
great work Sean...very nice! I hope things go well for you...you certainly have tremendous skill :)

06-16-2006, 05:30 AM
That style is really good and I love what you have done with vBA. Your profiles are almost like a mini myspace, but better (IMO anyway).

I'd get rid of the loading page though, I nearly just shut my browser at that point as they are so annoying.

I look forward to seeing more designs by you :banana:

Sean S
06-17-2006, 02:08 PM
Thank you very much again guys, I really appericiate all the support and the compliments. peterska I will do something about that as well, thank you for bringing it up to my attention :)

thanks again guys :)

06-17-2006, 03:12 PM
I do like the flash movie, but I'm really not big on splash pages anymore... It's just one more step to enter your site...

The site itself has a very pro look and I like the colors. Keep the wings, they're cool. ;)

06-17-2006, 04:13 PM
I would second that. The flash intro should be taken out. With graphics looking so nice the intro screen seems redundant (it can be very irritating). I'm sure with that taken off you'll get more people sticking around and possibly registering and becoming active. On the otherhand, I can see alot of users quickly shutting the browser down before the flash intro is finished which is a shame because they are missing the more important aspect of the site which is the content and the beautified colour usage you've implemented.

Again, Very nice work Sean.

Sean S
06-22-2006, 12:07 AM
thanks again guys for the kind words, I really do appericiate all the support I've been getting from everyone here.

I took the advice and temperorly removed the intro page till I come up with a better solution or way to use the intro.

thanks very much again,
Sean :)

06-22-2006, 04:34 AM
Nice work Sean! I look forward for more updates!

06-22-2006, 09:05 PM
I really wish I was as cool as you, but I'm not :( Nice work.