View Full Version : Switch Statements

03-19-2001, 09:07 PM
Driving me crazy...

If I want to put a Switch Statement into an
existing template like 'navbar' how to I
make the php qualify?

I am a programmer but php is new to me.
Is there a site that offers direction for
VB/PHP coding directly...other than php.org.

I would love to join the many who add
to this fantastic board software by learning
and offering my own code hacks.


03-19-2001, 10:28 PM


Reading the two manuals will greatly aid you in programming vB hacks.

03-19-2001, 11:44 PM
The only template that allows the execution of PHP code is called phpinclude all the others are just parsed as HTML.

03-20-2001, 01:56 AM
Ok so if I wanted to use phpinclude how could I setup a variable that I could call from within another template...or is that not possible?

03-20-2001, 03:01 AM
I put this into my phpinclude:

switch ($forumid) {
case 14:


I then called the variable from within another template
like this <img src=$cadimage border=0 align=right>.

It's not working and I'm sure it's something simple that you wizards can help me with :)

03-20-2001, 03:02 AM
Which template did you try to include the <img> code in?

03-20-2001, 03:12 AM
I tried placing it into the navbar... I want to put a variable image into each forum so that it gives it more of a feel.


03-20-2001, 11:56 AM
Why not just name your images something like:

where XX equals the Forumid.

Then you can just put

<img src="bullet$forumid.gif">

into your templates.

03-20-2001, 01:42 PM
Then what happens when I don't want an ad on a page.. I gues I could create a blank gif for those instances...

Is there no way of just using the var in the template?