View Full Version : Newbie Questions

06-05-2006, 04:17 PM
I would like to create the following.

Chapter VB's with a chapter moderator and would like each moderator to be able to send out bulk email to all chapter members (do I need a plugin to do this -- if so which one)

Also, we will require a district moderator to oversee all chapter moderators and to have access to each chapter's VB. Also would like the district moderator to be able to send out bulk email to a single chapter's members, or send email to several different chapter members or send email to all members for all chapters.

Also, for district moderator to be able to post message to a single chapter, or post to several chapters or post to all chapters without having to do this one at a time. For example post a date on each chapter's calendar.

Can we also require (or set as a default) that all chapter members when they sign up will be emailed any new posts?

Thank you.

06-05-2006, 04:18 PM

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