View Full Version : Image and Text between Navbar and forum

06-02-2006, 06:01 PM
Here is the reason why. I have celebrity guest chats and I wanna be able to post a photo of them and have their name, date of chat, and time of chat. I want it just to be on the main page. I hope you can make it where I dont have to upload each image, I would like it to be where I can just paste a photobucket link and the image will show up.

This is my old message board and I decided to use it as away to show u what I mean. http://s9.invisionfree.com/Sports_City_USA/index.php?act=idx

I dont want the text scrolling tho. I would like to have 3 lines 1 for their Name, 1 for the date, 1 for the time. Sorry the image is bad i just threw something up there to show u what I mean.

My site www.scusachat.com


06-02-2006, 06:49 PM
You can do this pretty easily with a little bit of basic HTML. Put together the HTML in your favorite editor, link the photo from photobucket and then add your text. Then to have it display under the navbar (and above the forum) open your FORUMHOME template and paste your HTML under this:


Now that will only show on the main page.

06-03-2006, 08:18 PM
I dont know an HTML code to use tho.

06-03-2006, 08:23 PM
Please provide details for the image link, test that you want to have displayed, and alignment of the text in relation to the image (eg above, below, centered, to the left, or to the right) and I'll happily code it up for you.