View Full Version : One click messages

06-02-2006, 02:32 AM
Is there a hack where my mods and admins can simply click a default preset message and it'll be posted for us rather then copying and pasting the usual crap.

kinda like the unliscensed user message here?


06-02-2006, 09:39 AM
I asked a similar question a while ago and me and some others coded a script to do it (we use it for inserting compex bbcode strings at the click of a button, but it could be used to insert text as well). You'll have to piece the information together as there is not a specific release just for it but if you read the thread below and the one it links to at the end you should be able to do what you want. Be sure to use cclaerhout's array code to limit by usergroups (ie. so the buttons only show up for your mods and admins).
