03-18-2001, 02:26 PM
VERY simple but very effective hack here
Just a template hack aswell
Place this into Headinclude template
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
var hotkey=32
var destination="index.php?s=$session[sessionhash]"
if (document.layers)
function backhome(e){
if (document.layers){
if (e.which==hotkey)
else if (document.all){
if (event.keyCode==hotkey)
Now into footer or wherever you want place
"At any time, press the spacebar to go to the forum homepage"
There.. your done!
Whenever anyone presses their spacebar they will be transported to the homepage of your forums...
ie - index.php {session}
Of course, it will not happen when you are typing in a text box.
Soon to come - different keys, and maybe even one key to do one thing, another to do another :)
Hope its of some help......
Just a template hack aswell
Place this into Headinclude template
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
var hotkey=32
var destination="index.php?s=$session[sessionhash]"
if (document.layers)
function backhome(e){
if (document.layers){
if (e.which==hotkey)
else if (document.all){
if (event.keyCode==hotkey)
Now into footer or wherever you want place
"At any time, press the spacebar to go to the forum homepage"
There.. your done!
Whenever anyone presses their spacebar they will be transported to the homepage of your forums...
ie - index.php {session}
Of course, it will not happen when you are typing in a text box.
Soon to come - different keys, and maybe even one key to do one thing, another to do another :)
Hope its of some help......