View Full Version : DC Seo vB Url Rewrite and vRewrite the same Plug In ?

05-30-2006, 12:29 PM
Hallo, i am using the DC Seo vB URL Rewrite (WOL) plug In for my forum.
I was looking for a Update or new modifications.

The (Bookmark) Main Thread for this Plug In ist not visible (deleted ?) ..
and i found nothing with the search function....

Is vRrewrite the successor from dc seo - or ist it a complete new Modification ?
Can i use vRewrite instead of DC Seo ( same Rewrite rules ?) or will i lost all my indexed Urls in Searchhengines ?

and last : what happened with the DC seo VB - sorry for posting here....
Sandibeck is online now Edit/Delete Message

05-30-2006, 01:39 PM
Dean C got sick and was out for a long time - he's been spotty/MIA for a while.

To answer your questions - they are not the same, and are not coded the same. The best way you can go about it is to keep Dean C's .htaccess active (you can delete the product from the product manager, just keep the .htaccess edits) and vrewrite should take over so that when incoming requests to your old SEO'd urls are present they get rewritten to the new ones.

I'm not 100% on it, as I haven't tried it, but at worst, if you leave the .htaccess in place the external URLs that you have out there alread will still work - and with the new product here you can just sit tight until the new links are out on the web.