View Full Version : Mambo & SMF

05-29-2006, 08:01 PM
I have been asked to post this question from vbulletin.com here:
Hi folks,

I currently run a dedicated website to Genealogy / Family History at Family History UK (http://www.familyhistory.uk.com)
We have currently around 6574 members (around the world). The site is mainly Mambo (yet to convert over to Joomla), with an SMf forum.

The current SMF forum is un-wrapped, meaning it is seperate but has all logins through the smf forum via a bridge.

I am looking to purchase a VB lifetime license, install VB in a subdirectory - http://www.forum.familyhistory.uk.com, then to convert all the members over to VB - how easy/complicated is it?
Is there a bridge to Mambo, so they are logged in to both mambo & VB? (Noting VB will be in a subdirectory!).
Also, as I will be converting to Joomla in a few months - same question?
I would also like to add some modules to Mambo, to show the latest posts, members, stats, etc.. - Are there many available?

One of the main reasons to change from SMF to VBulletin is the chance to import various NNTP Usenet news groups into the forum, and to be able to post to the newsgroup, which I believe VB does very well.

look forward to your help,


05-29-2006, 08:39 PM
Should be very easy, all you have to do is convert the SMF forum with impex and all the users will be there, problem is with the bridge for vBulletin. I've personally tried to get it working in the past and It didn't work out to well (Joomla has a bridge posted on their site, and I'm pretty sure we have a Mambo one in the modifications database). Yes you can also display latest posts on outside pages in several ways, one way is through modifictations to vBulletin and the other is if you enable RSS or one of the other syndication options inside of vBulletin.

05-30-2006, 07:29 AM
Thanks for the reply.

I would really need to have some sort of bridge - VB to Mambo, but at a real push I could just have VB in the subdirectory where members will have to log on there.

I see that there is a VBridge, but I believe that you have to modify some VB files - I have no problem with this, though I would want a bridge that is well supported - not just a "cludge". (No offence to anyone intended;) )

Do you have any experience of the "import various NNTP Usenet news groups into the forum". I would really like to do this, but need to know how easy it is!


05-30-2006, 12:27 PM
The one thing to remember is when converting the data base Passwords are not imported & all members will have to be emailed to reset their passwords.

07-01-2006, 10:57 AM
Looks like after purchasing VBulletin the one thing I really needed has gone!!
Also the "bridge" between Mambo & Vbulletin is no good either!

I think this is dead! Cannot find when Lierduh was last online!
Really annoying as I have just had my license for 2 weeks, which I purchased specifically for just for adding this!

Looks like I may have to sell it and go for another forum script - fortunately I have not gone live - just used impex to transfer everything to test and to add this add on.

We live and learn!


Looks like I will have to go elsewhere!
