View Full Version : Port of Shadow

The Lore Master
05-28-2006, 02:23 AM
A D&D role playing forum based in Skullport. Port of Shadow is a new forum which features so far:

-select gallery avatar once,
-D&D v3.5 character generator, including 24 races, 11 classes, 16 skills, and 67 feats, pets and familiars. All skills and feats used throughout the forum,
-a bank that supports copper, silver, gold, and platinum, with withdrawal fee's and a varible interest rate calculated monthly. The bank will be able to be robbed (coming soon),
-Experience awarded by D&D challenge rating.

Coming soon:

-damage: when a member posts he/she may take damage, and if their hit points falls to 0 they can not post for 8 hours or until they visit a temple (ends spamming ;) ). The more in character posts made, the more expereince and gold awarded, and the less chance of taking damage as they level.
-Temple for healing,
-Item shop that supports user-owned shops where they can create their own items,
-a "live" one on one character arena. And much more, all in time.


05-28-2006, 04:27 AM
Sounds interesting.

I personally run two "dark" styled sites so I'm use to having a black(ish) background and light text.. however, I simply cannot read the text on your site without getting uber-close to the screen, highlighting the text or blaring my monitor brightness to ridiculous levels.

Is there anything you can (or plan) to do about this, if you consider it an issue? If it weren't for that, I would really like to check your site out. I also have two sons who roleplay D&D 3.5 and I'm sure they'd be quite interested as well.

Anyway, good luck!

The Lore Master
05-28-2006, 05:01 AM
Sounds interesting.

I personally run two "dark" styled sites so I'm use to having a black(ish) background and light text.. however, I simply cannot read the text on your site without getting uber-close to the screen, highlighting the text or blaring my monitor brightness to ridiculous levels.

Is there anything you can (or plan) to do about this, if you consider it an issue? If it weren't for that, I would really like to check your site out. I also have two sons who roleplay D&D 3.5 and I'm sure they'd be quite interested as well.

Anyway, good luck!

Thanks for taking the time to look at the site. :) Unfortunately, as an unregistered user the only thing you can view to see some of the additions is the postbit.

I have had one user out of 56 (we are new, :p ) suggest to lighten up the text color. I viewed the site from various different computers at work and home and never had a problem reading the text, but what I will do tomorrow is lighten up the text color a bit and hopefully it'll make it more readable, :)

It is a role playing forum (members role play their character as if they are that character in the Skullport setting), and the code I have added and will add is just to add some more fun to it all. When we started on phpbb we had all I listed above completed, and it is a very unique way of seperating spammers from those who join to write/adventure. One other thing that seperates us from other forums is that we do not ban users, we enslave them. :) That is, another member can bid with gold to "own" that character, and if the member role plays his "sentence" in good faith, all rights are restored to that member. As Skullport is a city of thieves and slaves, it suits the atmosphere.

If you and your sons decide to join from the same computer, the first who join should pm myself or one of the other Lords to let them know that more than one member will be joining from the same IP, as we do not allow multiple accounts.

Also, changes to a couple of D&D skills and feats had to be made to fit a forum environment (to make them useful as all skills and feats are utilized throughout the forum, like 'slight of hand' for pickpocketing another user).

So much more work needs to be done, I'm presently building the Training Hall to "level-up" characters :cool:

05-28-2006, 05:27 AM
Sounds great! My sons access the net from a separate machine (might be the same IP, but I think theirs is on our work router.. I'll have to check) so that shouldn't be an issue other than for their two accounts. Either way, I'll make sure we get it worked around.

I look forward to seeing (literally?) more of your site.

The Lore Master
05-28-2006, 02:34 PM
Sounds great! My sons access the net from a separate machine (might be the same IP, but I think theirs is on our work router.. I'll have to check) so that shouldn't be an issue other than for their two accounts. Either way, I'll make sure we get it worked around.

I look forward to seeing (literally?) more of your site.

No work-around required, just inform us is all, :)

I lightened up the index page small font color, and the post color, and I will admit it does look better and easier to read. :)

05-29-2006, 06:59 AM
That's it! Thanks, it looks great to my old eyes now.