View Full Version : [release vb2.0b3] VB2ICQ - (Custom status-img and sent icq-message)

03-16-2001, 10:00 PM

DESCRIPTION: This small-hack enables you to define custom icq-status images and sent icq-messages to members

EXAMPLE: http://forever.feyenoordnet.nl/forum/showthread.php?postid=56&styleid=3

NOTE: Enabling this feature may result in slower loading of the icq-statuses of your members
NOTE2: If the icq-server is down, clear.gif is loaded


1) Upload "disabled.gif", "offline.gif", "online.gif" to your images directory
2) Upload "icq.inc.php", "icqmessage.php", "icqstatus.php", "javascript.js" to your vbulletin root-folder
3) Open your "postbit"-template and change <!-- $ post[icqicon] --> to $post[icqicon]
4) Open your "headinclude"-template and add: <script language="Javascript" src="javascript.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
5) Edit your "icq"-template and modify it with the content of "icq.txt"
6) Create 3 new templates: "icq_message_sent", "icq_message_not_sent" and "icq_send_message" and insert the content of the appropiate .txt files in it

That's it! Enjoy :)

Credits to: F.Kranen - http://www.odsync.net/ for creating icq.inc.php

03-17-2001, 09:26 PM
Nice hack man!

Change your link tho!

Change the & to a ?


03-17-2001, 09:28 PM

03-17-2001, 09:31 PM
Nice and cool idea..!
Will test it in a few hours

03-17-2001, 11:10 PM
Note that there may be the same problem as on this issue here (http://vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11131)

Until there is a solution for this, you just have to bear with it I'm affraid

03-17-2001, 11:20 PM
If you wanna avoid that you can just use <img src="http://online.mirabilis.com/scripts/online.dll?icq=$userinfo[icq]&img=5" alt="$userinfo[username]'s ICQ status" border=0> in the icq-template instead of <img src="icqstatus.php?uin=$userinfo[icq]&path={ imagesfolder }" alt="$userinfo[icq]" border="0" width="20" height="14"> and use the default icq-img

03-18-2001, 01:10 PM
installed and tried this the messages dont seem to send from it any ideas it says the msg has been sent but thats it i tried sending to my own icq and my web aware is enabled ?

03-18-2001, 06:18 PM
Cool hack but i wont use it but i love your icons :)

03-18-2001, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by pestilence
installed and tried this the messages dont seem to send from it any ideas it says the msg has been sent but thats it i tried sending to my own icq and my web aware is enabled ?

I don't really follow you (hint: use dots ;)) but do you mean the messages aren't sent?

Originally posted by jojo85
Cool hack but i wont use it but i love your icons

Thanks :)

06-16-2001, 12:54 PM
what did you change exactly?

06-16-2001, 01:17 PM
all my templates i cut and pasted are in another language-do u have english version?

06-16-2001, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by insdel
I have changed in icq.inc.php

line 44:

if ($len == 105)$ret = $ICQ_STATUS_ONLINE;


if ($len == 96)$ret = $ICQ_STATUS_ONLINE;

line 45:

if ($len == 18) $ret = $ICQ_STATUS_DISABLED;


if ($len == 83) $ret = $ICQ_STATUS_DISABLED;

line 46:

if ($len == 0) $ret = $ICQ_STATUS_OFFLINE;


if ($len == 1) $ret = $ICQ_STATUS_OFFLINE;

I realized that most indicators are shown up correctly but others not. I'm not sure if there's a problem with icq's dll itself or if icq.inc.php doesn't work correctly :(

What do you mean with 'most indicators'? If you're using the standard icq indicators (ie: set 1, set 2, set 3 etc..) then you shouldn't using this script, then you can directly link to icq.

This script is only meant to display custom (self made) images. So in this case it should always be '&img=1' because otherwise indeed the above values won't work.

06-16-2001, 01:51 PM
hmm...strange, it works very well for me

06-16-2001, 06:48 PM
how did you decide which new values you's use?

10-22-2001, 09:01 AM

After the "send"-Button, i only get a white window.

Thats all.

Any Idea ?


10-31-2001, 09:21 AM
anyone can look at my forum and say, what?s wrong with this Hack?




11-11-2001, 09:55 PM
The install file won't run with 2.2.0...

Tim Wheatley
02-16-2002, 09:39 PM
Does this work on 2.2.2? I'd like some custom icq images on that too, as the flower pisses me off. ;)