View Full Version : status of this mod?

05-25-2006, 10:41 PM
im opening a site soon...looking for a good article script to work in cooperation with CMPS...wondering if I should use vbArticles or if thats not such a good idea since it doesnt seem to be supported anymore. vbarticles.com seems to be down or unsupporting of the vbarticle script. any word on this?

Sean S
06-03-2006, 05:16 PM
well there is not a place that you can download vbarticles as Cinq has temperorly took it down, however, if you had downloaded a copy of the v2 version, then you can install it and use it as so far I haven't seen any major bugs and it has worked great for me. Also remember that vbarticles is only for vb3 and there is no version out yet for 3.5+

Bubble #5
06-14-2006, 11:41 PM
as Cinq has temperorly took it down
Feels more like PERMANENTLY taken it down, as we have been waiting for something for the past year :( I guess that's good news for The vBGeek, as many have switched on over to using his script.

07-17-2006, 02:52 AM
I've only just heard of vb articles... what is it... where can I see an example of it?? Thanks.