View Full Version : custom avatar for admins and mods

03-17-2001, 08:14 PM
The built-in avatar features of vb2 are working perfectly for me with one exception: I can't specify unique avatars for admins and moderators.

Is there a hack for this? It seems like it would be simple enough.

Also, I saw a hack for ubb that lets you put custom backgrounds behind forum names/descriptions on the main index. Anyone seen this on vb2?

03-17-2001, 08:57 PM
I have the same problem. Currently converting from UBB to vB and I can't give my moderators their custom avatar without allowing everybody to have a custom, which is something I don't want because I don't need the forum to look like a christmas tree.

03-17-2001, 09:27 PM
Go into the control panel, select the Moderator and add the avatar that you want for him/her.

03-17-2001, 09:42 PM
Katja and Castel: What took me a bit to realize was that you can have avatars set to no custom avatars, but by changing them manually in the Control Panel (not the User Control Panel, the Admin Control Panel) you can do this without allowing everyone to have them.

03-18-2001, 03:03 AM
I feel so stupid now, it's not very obvious however :)

03-18-2001, 04:08 AM
But this doesn't help much if the mod wants to change.

Why must the admin waste his/her time changing them out? What happens when you have a bunch of mods.

Would be nice if per user group you could turn on/off custom avatars.

03-18-2001, 08:45 AM
Thanks! I should've worked with the control panel a little more before posting. :D