View Full Version : Split events from three calendars.

05-23-2006, 05:41 PM
I run 3.5.4 and have three calendars right now up and running. The request I have I believe is quite simple and I pray that there is someone who will feel pity and will help out as I can not write code myself.

As we all know, at the bottom of the vbulletin page it shows upcoming events for the next 7 days from ALL the calendars lumped into one area.

The problem in mu situation is that the events that are listed are very different, and yet all sound the same! "1776" could be a film audition, a theater audition or a show! I need to have a way to designate which calendar "1776" came from.

The simple answer is to have the individual events listed under their calendar categories.

Upcoming events from Film Auditions Calendar:
Upcoming events from Shows Calendar
Upcoming events from Theater Auditions Calendar

I'm humbly asking for help as I can't write code and I would be most thankful for any help you could offer.

Thanks in advance.