View Full Version : members make money from others subscription costs

05-19-2006, 11:33 PM
Well I had an idea, not really sure if it exists, i've been searching, but i can't find it anywhere, so i decided to post it here.

What i was thinking about was similar to that google adsense money sharing, however with the paid subscription.

So i'm guessing by setting up member groups, certain member groups could make a percentage of the revenue generated from paid subscriptions. I guess it's pretty self explanitory if you know about the google adsense sharing mod, and you just change it so that it's the paid subscribers opposed to adsense.

does anyone happen to know about this?

thanks in advance!


05-19-2006, 11:41 PM
What would be better , is if the refferer got the % , this would make them bring more to the community and if that person was to donate or subscribe they get % of it.

I like this idea , and may even be willing to code it.

05-20-2006, 12:11 AM
maybe having the option of how makes the money, if it's either the referer or if a member group gets a percentage....i wish i knew how to code lol

05-20-2006, 12:13 AM
Well I was thinking if did based on referrer then you would get alot more bringing in others and promoting (in hopes to make money)

As a group could be done as well, but would be rough to know who donated due to what group.

05-20-2006, 12:22 AM
well the idea i'm having is a community of artists and staff. The artists will pay like $5/month for their subscription, then a percentage of that money would be divided up between all the staff. So opposed to donation, it would be more like an actual fee to access the board.