View Full Version : Force members to reset password..

05-19-2006, 05:13 PM
After receiving and using the numeric password that enables members to once again access forums, I would like a hack/plugin/do-hickey that FORCES the member to immediately reset their password.....nothing else can be done until they visit their USER CP and choose a new password.

05-20-2006, 08:32 AM
AdminCP => Usergroups => Usergroup Manager => edit usergroup [GO] => Password Expiry :)

05-25-2006, 01:32 PM
Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm not understanding how forcing someone to change their password after it already has been changed will work.

The problem as I see it is:

Member forgets original password.
Member asks system to reset password.
Members gets stupid numeric password (SNP) that expires in 24 hours.
Member doesnot carefully read e-mail that says it is a temporary password.
Member tries again to use SAME numeric password that has expired.
Member then attempts to reset password, getting another stupid numeric password.
....and the process begins again.

What I want is to break the cycle.

Immediately after they log in using the SNP I want them to HAVE to reset to something that will work tomorrow and the next day and the next....