View Full Version : AthleticRunner.com Forums -- Feedback please

05-07-2006, 01:21 PM

I am trying to start up a new site based around running athletes, and anyone else who runs to get in shape or even just for fun. Please check out the forum, and let me know what you think about ideas to improve it, what you like, don't like, what should be added, what should be removed, ect.

My goal is to make it functional, yet simple for even the most basic web user, while being able to load quickly for those people on dial-up or slower internet connection (not too many images)...

And if you want to also give feedback on how you think I could go about getting more traffic and posters on the site, that would be great too

Thanks everyone!


05-07-2006, 04:16 PM
I really like your skin. Did you buy a premade one or have it custom designed?

BTW, if you make contributions in my forum's running section I don't mind you promoting your site in your sig line. I have a pretty active fitness board and think you could get some initial traffic going by doing a soft self promotion in there. I wouldn't recommend doing it in a post though, as some of the regulars may call you a spammer.

05-08-2006, 12:52 AM
Skin was pre-made

and thanks for the offer, I will definetly take you up on that.

05-08-2006, 01:01 AM
very nice. fresh look and great idea for a site.

a couple of bugs I found though.

In your guest message, both links to the register form are broken so need repairing.

Also the little arrow next to the search dropdown in your navbar is way out of alignment. It's floating off into the header.

05-08-2006, 01:06 AM
Thanks, I will be sure to get that stuff fixed up...

I love this feedback :)