View Full Version : Could this be done?

03-15-2001, 03:07 PM
Would it be possible to have a hidden feild in a post that would only be visible after making a reply?

03-15-2001, 05:07 PM
probably but it would take a lot of work and editing plus javascript. i might be interested in trying to make something like this later on.

03-15-2001, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by upgrader
Would it be possible to have a hidden feild in a post that would only be visible after making a reply?

Can you elaborate a little more?

If you are asking what I think you are asking, it shouldn't be too terribly hard.

03-16-2001, 04:28 AM
hmm how to explain.....When you compose a message I would like an addional box, in that box you put any information you dont want viewed unless a reply post is made, the box will appear empty or greyed out if just viewed without replying.

We are trying to improve our view-post ratio in certain forums, this is a good way of improving that ratio we think.
Also it would be handy to generate a list of those that replied viewable only to admins or moderators.

That make sense? :D