View Full Version : The Boredello

04-29-2006, 07:29 PM
We just started this up about a week ago...

We have over 850 posts already and around 20 members....

We are just a general discussion forum that more or less commits its self towards the members.

Anyways I was just wondering what you guys thought of it... I know I need to edit up the guest registration message.... but other things to add, problems, suggestions?..


edit : oh yea link www.boredello.com

Tony G
04-30-2006, 10:23 AM
The style is quite nice but one thing looks bad - the header. Your style is graphical, so the header needs to look better than that.

Oh, it's a pre-made style... I'd suggest trying to make your own then or trying as much as you can to change this one.

04-30-2006, 11:43 AM
Hmm yea, I can see it needing more something tot he header kinda plain up there.